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发布时间:2018-05-25 17:01

  本文选题:大学生 + 网络道德素质 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生网络道德素质决定了大学生群体的网络整体形象,代表着我国新一代人才的综合表现,作为年轻的知识分子,是建设社会主义的生力军,其在网络中缺少自律以及道德素质低下的现状也会成为现实内心世界的写照,对其网络素质的研究、培养以及提升意义重大。当前多数大学生都为90年代之后出生,主要集中在1992年到1996年,他们可谓是与互联网同时成长,90年代出生的群体接触互联网较早,思维较为活跃,拥有较为强烈的求知欲和好奇心。但是由于从小就接触到互联网中良莠不齐的各种信息,在信息浪潮面前的识别力不强,心理发育处于走向成熟却又没有完全达到真正成熟的阶段。再加之大学生社会化程度不高,更容易受到来自互联网的不良信息的影响,如果不能及时针对性的提出应对措施,其结果必然会危及到大学生网民群体的整体网络道德素质。因此,提升大学生网络道德具有重要的现实意义。 在对大学生网络道德素质进行研究中,首先必须要从其基本背景和基础理论出发,对与大学生网络道德相关的一切内容进行统计分析和总结,如国内外研究现状、相关概念阐释等,这是本文进行深入研究的重要前提;其次,要结合网络调查等实际数据,并采用网络调查法,在贴吧、论坛等舆论较为集中的平台内进行调查,了解大学生网络道德素质存在的问题,,并对其进行归纳,从现有的研究现状和调查数据来看,大学生网络道德素质问题主要表现为网络道德认知模糊、网络道德判断多元、网络道德意志薄弱、网络道德行为失范。再次,结合全文的基础理论,重点分析了大学生网络道德问题的成因,并主要从网络道德环境、网络道德教育、网络道德自身特点以及大学生身心特点等方面分析。最后从原则、内容、机制、文化环境等多角度综合考虑和分析探讨了提升大学生网络道德素质的对策。
[Abstract]:The network moral quality of college students determines the overall image of the network of college students and represents the comprehensive performance of the new generation of talents in our country. As a young intellectual, it is a new force in building socialism. Its lack of self-discipline and low moral quality in the network will also become a realistic portrayal of the inner world. It is of great significance to study, cultivate and promote its network quality. At present, most college students were born after the 1990s, mainly from 1992 to 1996. They can be said to be groups that grew up with the Internet at the same time as those born in the 1990s. They were exposed to the Internet earlier and their thinking was more active. With a strong desire for knowledge and curiosity. However, as a result of being exposed to various kinds of information in the Internet from an early age, the ability of recognition in front of the information wave is not strong, and the psychological development is in the mature but not fully reached the stage of real maturity. In addition, the degree of socialization of college students is not high, more vulnerable to the impact of bad information from the Internet, if not timely targeted measures, its results will inevitably endanger the overall network moral quality of college students. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to promote the network morality of college students. In the study of college students' network moral quality, we must, first of all, start from its basic background and basic theory, and make statistical analysis and summary of all the contents related to college students' network morality, such as the current research situation at home and abroad. This is an important prerequisite for in-depth research in this paper. Secondly, we should combine the actual data such as network survey, and adopt the method of network survey to conduct investigations in platforms where the public opinion is relatively concentrated, such as posts, forums, and so on. To understand the problems existing in the network moral quality of college students, and to sum up it. From the current research situation and the investigation data, the problems of college students' network moral quality are mainly manifested in the ambiguity of network moral cognition and the multiplicity of network moral judgment. Network moral will is weak, network moral behavior is out of order. Thirdly, combined with the basic theory of the full text, this paper focuses on the analysis of the causes of the network moral problems of college students, and mainly from the network moral environment, network moral education, the characteristics of the network morality and the physical and mental characteristics of college students and so on. Finally, this paper analyzes and discusses the countermeasures of improving college students' network moral quality from the aspects of principle, content, mechanism, cultural environment and so on.


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