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发布时间:2018-05-25 21:00

  本文选题:就业道德 + 高校毕业生 ; 参考:《东北农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,面对着高校的持续扩招,大学生的就业形势就显得越来越困难,难则思变,大学生的就业难引发了一系列的社会问题。其中就业道德缺失问题是其中最为显著的一类问题,同时这类问题也越来越受到更多的关注,已经成为社会、学校、家庭、用人单位不得不面对的一个现实问题。这一问题在学术理论界也引起了许多学者的广泛关注,探究就业伦理问题的难点的症结所在,,运用思想政治教育理论,加强大学生的就业指导教育,通过引导高校毕业生帮助他们在就业过程中树立正确的就业观念和正确的就业心态,从而来提高大学生的整体诚信水平;这对于解决毕业生面临的就业道德问题以及构建大学生就业伦理体系有重要的理论意义与实践价值。 本文在查阅大量文献资料以及针对调查问卷的结果进行研究分析的基础上,理清当前大学生就业道德缺失的表现,并且通过问卷分析了当代大学生就业道德缺失存在的问题和成因,在对原因分析的基础上有针对性地提出了解决大学生就业道德缺失的现实对策。 本论文一共分为五个部分;论文的第一部分阐述了背景、目的与意义,研究思路与方法以及国内外研究综述等,第二部分分析研究了大学生就业道德的相关概念以及理论基础,第三部分通过调查问卷法、相关分析法和文献研究法等,从当前大学生就业道德缺失存在的现状着手进行细致的分析了当前大学生就业道德存在的严重功利化思想、服务意识淡薄以及缺乏奉献精神等主要的缺失问题。第四个部分是对大学毕业生就业道德缺失的问题进行了系统化的分析,主要分析了从社会、家庭、学校、大学生自身等四个方面。第五部分则是针对当前我国的就业道德缺失问题提出了相应的解决措施:完善与就业相关的法律法规;充实大学生就业道德教育的相关内容;加强规范教师自身的道德修养;注意家长的榜样力量;进而实现从社会、学校、家庭和大学生自身四个方面来提高大学生的就业道德水平。
[Abstract]:In recent years, faced with the continuous expansion of college enrollment, the employment situation of college students is becoming more and more difficult, difficult to think about, and the employment of college students has caused a series of social problems. Among them, the lack of employment morality is the most significant one. At the same time, more and more attention has been paid to this kind of problem, which has become a realistic problem that society, schools, families and employers have to face. This problem has also aroused the widespread concern of many scholars in the academic and theoretical circles, explored the crux of the difficult point of the employment ethics problem, applied the theory of ideological and political education, and strengthened the employment guidance education of college students. By guiding college graduates to help them set up the correct concept of employment and the correct attitude of employment in the process of employment, so as to improve the integrity of college students as a whole; It is of great theoretical and practical significance to solve the employment moral problems faced by graduates and to construct the employment ethics system of college students. On the basis of consulting a lot of literature and analyzing the results of the questionnaire, this paper clarifies the expression of college students' lack of employment morality. And through the questionnaire analysis of the problems and causes of the lack of employment morality of contemporary college students, on the basis of the analysis of the reasons, the author puts forward the practical countermeasures to solve the lack of employment morality of the college students. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the paper describes the background, purpose and significance, research ideas and methods, as well as domestic and foreign research overview, the second part analyzes the relevant concepts and theoretical basis of college students' employment ethics. The third part through the questionnaire method, the correlation analysis method and the literature research method, has carried on the careful analysis from the present university student employment morals flaw existence present situation, has carried on the careful analysis present university student employment morals existence serious utilitarian thought. Lack of service consciousness and lack of dedication and other major deficiencies. The fourth part is a systematic analysis of the lack of employment morality of college graduates, mainly from the social, family, school, college students themselves. The fifth part is to put forward the corresponding measures to solve the problem of the lack of employment morality in our country: to perfect the laws and regulations related to employment, to enrich the relevant contents of college students' employment moral education, to strengthen the regulation of teachers' moral accomplishment; Pay attention to the power of parents' example, and then improve the employment moral level of college students from four aspects: society, school, family and college students themselves.


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