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发布时间:2018-05-27 06:35

  本文选题:河南 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《江西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:扩招以来,随着我国高等教育规模的急剧扩大,教育经费的不足成了高等教育发展的瓶颈。为此,,拓宽教育经费来源,由政府、学生(家庭)、学校和社会共同分担高等教育成本便成了解决这一问题的途径。在此背景下,河南省作为一个特殊的省份——我国人口第一大省、高考生源第一大省和农业大省,高等教育个人成本分担的问题则面临着更大的挑战。 本研究通过文献研究法、比较分析法等方法的运用,充分阐述了河南省高等教育成本个人分担的理论基础和现实依据,通过河南省与中部地区其他省份收费水平的比较,以及该省城乡不同收入群体对高等教育学费承担能力的比较,得出以下结论:1、河南省高等教育的学费标准是严格按照政府制定的标准来执行的,并且其平均学费在中部地区处于最低水平;2、除了城乡居民中的低收入户对学费的承担还存在一定的困难外,大部分居民已基本具备对高等教育的支付能力;3、对于部分经济困难的家庭来说,艺术类专业的收费标准还有些偏高;4、政府对高等教育的财政性投入还未达到国家规定的4%的标准。 论文尝试地提出构建河南省高等教育个人成本分担合理化标准的对策和保障性建议,认为在政府的调控下,可以借鉴“价格听证会”的方式,由高校最终制定符合本校实际情况的“分段学费”标准,同时建立完善的混合资助体系,使高等教育成本个人分担的机制更加和谐和完善。
[Abstract]:Since the enrollment expansion, with the rapid expansion of the scale of higher education in China, the shortage of educational funds has become the bottleneck of the development of higher education. To solve this problem, the government, the students, the school and the society should share the cost of higher education. In this context, Henan Province, as a special province, the largest province in population, the largest province in college entrance examination and the largest province in agriculture, is faced with more challenges in sharing the individual cost of higher education. Through the use of the methods of literature research and comparative analysis, this study fully expounds the theoretical and practical basis of the individual sharing of higher education costs in Henan Province, and compares the level of charges between Henan Province and other provinces in the central region. And the comparison of the affordability of higher education tuition fees among different income groups in urban and rural areas of the province, we can draw the following conclusion: 1. The tuition fee standards of higher education in Henan Province are strictly implemented in accordance with the standards formulated by the government. Moreover, the average tuition fee is at the lowest level in the central region. In addition to the difficulties faced by low-income households in urban and rural areas, there are still some difficulties in carrying out tuition fees. Most residents already have the basic ability to pay for higher education. For some families with financial difficulties, The fees for art majors are still on the high side, and the government's financial investment in higher education has not yet reached the national standard of 4%. The paper tries to put forward the countermeasures and supportable suggestions to construct the rationalization standard of individual cost sharing of higher education in Henan Province, and thinks that under the control of the government, the way of "price hearing" can be used for reference. The standard of "segmented tuition fee" which accords with the actual situation of the university should be formulated by the university, and a perfect mixed aid system should be set up to make the mechanism of individual share of higher education cost more harmonious and perfect.


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