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发布时间:2018-05-28 13:46

  本文选题:教授委员会 + 治理 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教授委员会为我国高等教育管理体制改革注入了新思路与新内涵,它提倡以学术为重,崇尚大学自治与学术自由的大学氛围,,其兴衰直接关系大学未来发展方向。教授委员会制度作为一项制度创新,在高校发挥着深化学校体制改革和建立现代大学制度的双重作用。建立教授委员会制度,不仅是协调高校内部学术权力和行政权力发展的有效途径,同时也是高校坚持以人为本、保障学术权力能够被充分行使以及促进学术发展的客观要求。 但现实中,教授委员会的权力被行政组织压制,并没有实现其设立的初衷——去行政化和彰显学术权力,甚至在某种程度上成为行政组织的附庸,发挥不了实际功效。而正是由于其运行缺乏必要的法律法规保障、结构紊乱,学术集权现象严重、教授委员会职责关系模糊等一系列问题的存在,使教授委员会在高校的实际运行过程中,会出现权力失衡,运作形式化等一系列的问题。治理,强调的是治理主体和手段的多元化,强调上下互动,其权力运行向度是多元的;治理的核心就是分权、参与。由此可以看出,治理的内涵更符合教授委员会制度的精神本质,体现了大学的分权、参与与制衡的原则。因此,本文从治理的角度为教授委员会权力运行机制的研究提供了一个新的研究视角。 本研究借鉴美国和德国大学评议会发展模式,综合我国当前特殊的国情以及校情,因地制宜地去探索符合我国高校发展的教授委员会的权力类型,分析运行机制存在的问题以及制定完善的路径。这个道路慢且长。本文由导言及四个部分组成: 第一部分:对治理的基本内涵及其基本特征的概述。本部分从国内现有的资料和理论分析入手,通过文献分析法对治理的核心概念:分权、参与进行梳理;以治理的基本特征、治理结构及治理模式作为分析与研究的基础,并在此基础上得出对本研究的启示。 第二部分:治理视角下大学教授委员会权力类型、结构及运行机制。本部分首先梳理了教授委员会的权力类型,主要包括二元权力渗透、学术权力主导型;二元权力渗透、行政权力主导型;二元权力分离、适度渗透型;其次是分析教授委员会的权力结构;最后是分析教授委员会权力运行机制的类型:主要包括决策机制、执行机制、监督制约机制三种。本部分通过对教授委员会权力类型、权力结构和运行机制进行分析,结合治理的结构和治理模式,综合治理的内涵,为探索教授委员会运行机制及存在的问题奠定基础。 第三部分:当前我国部分大学对教授委员会权力运行机制的探索。本部分以东北师范大学、吉林大学和武汉大学三所大学为代表。通过对这三所大学的院系负责人和部分专业任课教师进行深度访谈和问卷调查、以及对大学生进行访谈,对教授委员会的章程、权力、运行机制等方面进行分析,透析大学教授委员会权力运行机制存在的问题,并对存在的问题进行了深入分析。 第四部分:我国大学教授委员会权力运行机制的完善路径。本部分结合治理的内涵:分权、参与,借鉴东北师范大学、吉林大学、武汉大学和美国、德国大学评议会的成功经验,针对教授委员会权力运行机制存在的问题:如缺乏必要的法律法规、结构紊乱、权力失衡等,提出具体的完善策略。
[Abstract]:The professor committee has injected new ideas and new connotations for the reform of the management system of higher education in China. It advocates the academic atmosphere, advocating the University atmosphere of university autonomy and academic freedom. The rise and fall of the university is directly related to the future direction of the University. As a new system, the professor committee system is playing an important role in deepening the reform and construction of the school system in Colleges and universities. The establishment of the system of the modern university system is not only an effective way to coordinate the development of academic power and administrative power in Colleges and universities, but also the requirement of adhering to the people-oriented, guaranteeing the full exercise of academic power and promoting academic development.
But in reality, the power of the professor committee is suppressed by the administrative organization and does not realize the original intention of its establishment - to admin and highlight the academic power, even to a certain extent, to become the appendage of the administrative organization. It is because of its lack of necessary laws and regulations, structural disorders, and academic centralization. Serious, the existence of a series of problems, such as the ambiguity of the responsibilities of the professor committee, causes a series of problems, such as the imbalance of power and the formalization of operation, in the course of the practical operation of colleges and universities. The heart is the separation of power and participation. Thus, it can be seen that the connotation of governance is more in line with the spiritual essence of the professor committee system and embodies the principle of decentralization, participation and checks and balances in the University. Therefore, this article provides a new perspective for the study of the mechanism of the power operation of the professor committee from the angle of governance.
This study draws on the development model of the United States and German universities, combines the current special national conditions and the school situation in our country, and explores the power types of the professors committee that conforms to the development of our universities, analyzes the problems existing in the operation mechanism and formulating the perfect path. This is a slow and long way. This paper is the introduction and four parts. Form锛




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