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发布时间:2018-05-29 22:43

  本文选题:民办 + 独立院校 ; 参考:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a new mechanism of running an independent private college, it has made great progress since its birth in 1998, and has become an important new force in the camp of higher education in our country. However, due to the short history of running a private independent college and the lack of managerial experience, it is necessary to focus on strengthening the construction of the teaching staff, the quality of teaching, and the enhancement of scientific research capabilities. Especially in the aspect of teacher performance management, the results fail to achieve the incentive function of target assessment. For example, college managers do not attach importance to performance management, performance management mechanism and college development strategy, school orientation is not consistent, not fully reflect the characteristics of independent colleges; in addition, performance evaluation objectives are not clear, the system is not perfect, The evaluation system is not perfect, the assessment method is not scientific and reasonable, and the evaluation results are not used effectively. Based on the field investigation of the current teacher performance management in five private independent colleges and universities in Beijing, this paper takes the teacher performance management of Jiahua College of Beijing Industrial and Commercial University as an example. It is proposed that the basic idea of constructing a new mechanism of teacher performance management in private independent colleges should be guided by the development strategy of colleges, embody the value of college management and the unity of the results of teachers' work, and ensure the efficiency of teachers' work and the economic benefits of colleges. Social benefits are maximized. The conclusion of this paper is that the performance management of private independent colleges and universities should reflect the management mechanism and school characteristics of private colleges and universities, from the internal control process, teacher learning and growth, mechanism protection and other multi-dimensional comprehensive consideration to build a scientific performance management mechanism. Scientific and effective performance evaluation of teachers in order to promote the health and sustainable development of independent private institutions.


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