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发布时间:2018-05-31 20:58

  本文选题:网络舆情 + 大学生 ; 参考:《齐齐哈尔大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:互联网自产生之日起,每天都在刷新着自己所创造的数字记录。根据中国互联网信息中心2012年1月公布的《第29次中国互联网发展状况统计报告》,截止2011年12月底,我国网民规模突破5亿,达到5.13亿,全年新增网民5580万。[1]伴随着大学校园网络的迅速发展,社会热点问题、突发事件、影响学生自身利益的问题以及具有煽动性的失实和反动舆论等都极易形成网络舆情。由于网络资源平台的普遍性和丰富性,,这些网络舆论成为影响大学生成长的重要因素之一。 大学生网络舆情是大学生对于社会中各种事件和问题所表达的态度、意见和情绪等的总和。网络舆情在积极影响大学生的同时,也给其人生观、价值观、道德观带来了消极影响:一方面,由于部分社会媒体责任感的缺失和信息把关人作用的降低,不良的舆论信息出现在网络中,容易导致网络舆情危机,对大学生正确道德观念的确立产生错误的引导,同时对社会主义主流意识形态产生了严重冲击;另一方面,由于网络的匿名性和虚拟性,部分大学生道德责任感的缺失,很容易发表错误和激进言论,这些负面的网络舆情将严重影响大学生的思想政治教育工作。因此,本文将探讨高校网络舆情的管理方法以及如何控制消极网络舆情给大学生带来的影响,从而促进高校大学生的健康全面发展。 本文内容共有四部分:绪论部分介绍了本课题的研究背景与意义及国内外研究现状;第一章是大学生网络舆情的理论概述:第二章论述了网络舆情环境下大学生的新变化及大学生网络舆情的特点,并就大学生网络舆情中存在的问题及原因分析;第三章基于危机管理理论,从提高大学生的网络道德水准、构建大学生网络舆情管理体系、建立健全相关网络法律制度和技术监管方面探讨了如何加强大学生网络舆情管理。
[Abstract]:The Internet has been refreshing its own digital records every day since it was created. According to the 29th China Internet Development Statistics report published by the China Internet Information Center in January 2012, by the end of December 2011, the number of Chinese Internet users exceeded 500 million, reaching 513 million. With the rapid development of campus network, social hot issues, unexpected events, problems affecting students' own interests and inflammatory misrepresentation and reactionary public opinion, it is easy to form network public opinion. Because of the universality and richness of the network resource platform, these network public opinions become one of the important factors that affect the growth of college students. College students' network public opinion is the sum of attitudes, opinions and emotions expressed by college students for various events and problems in society. Internet public opinion has a negative impact on college students' outlook on life, values and morality. On the one hand, because of the lack of social media responsibility and the decrease of information gatekeeper's role, network public opinion has a negative impact on their outlook on life, values and morality. The bad public opinion information appears in the network, easily leads to the network public opinion crisis, produces the wrong guidance to the university student's correct moral idea establishment, at the same time has the serious impact to the socialist mainstream ideology; on the other hand, Due to the anonymity and fictitious nature of the network, some college students lack the sense of moral responsibility and are prone to make mistakes and radical remarks. These negative network public opinions will seriously affect the ideological and political education of college students. Therefore, this paper will discuss the management method of university network public opinion and how to control the influence of negative network public opinion on college students, so as to promote the healthy and comprehensive development of college students. There are four parts in this paper: the introduction introduces the research background and significance of this topic and the current research situation at home and abroad; The first chapter is the theoretical overview of college students' network public opinion: the second chapter discusses the new changes of college students under the environment of network public opinion and the characteristics of college students' network public opinion, and analyzes the existing problems and reasons of college students' network public opinion; The third chapter, based on the theory of crisis management, discusses how to strengthen the management of college students' network public opinion from the aspects of improving the network moral level of college students, constructing the management system of university students' network public opinion, establishing and perfecting the related network legal system and technical supervision.


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