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发布时间:2018-06-03 01:29

  本文选题:高等学校 + 网络舆情 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:网络新媒体时代,人人都能在舆论的湖面上荡起一圈涟漪。伴随着互联网的迅猛发展,网络日益成为高校师生尤其是大学生表达意见的重要平台,高校网络舆情应运而生。认真研究高校网络舆情的特征,探究和拓展其精神激励和行为导向的教育价值,是网络环境下思想政治教育的责任和使命。 高校网络舆情具有主体的特殊性、内容的丰富性、生成的聚发性、趋势的难控性、传播的自由性、影响的交互性等特征。贯彻积极利用、科学发展的研究视角,可以发现高校网络舆情的上述特征对于大学生的知、情、意、信、行的全面发展带来了新的机遇。即为“知识信息获取”提供丰富素材、为“道德情操培养”提供正向能量、为“意志品质锤炼”提供现实考验、为“理想信念教育”提供实践阵地、为“行为方式引导”提供科学指向,具有显著的教育价值。 高校网络舆情的演化呈现出特定的规律与特征,形成了教育价值的作用机制。具体而言,充分利用“涨落序变规律”可以确保教育价值的全程实现,利用“耗散结构特征”可以构筑教育资源的共享平台,利用“沉默的螺旋现象”可以营造教育环境的意见气候,利用“从众心理效应”可以提高教育行为的作用效果。 在深刻把握高校网络舆情教育价值的表现形态和作用机制基础上,从育人理念、舆情主体、议程内容、意见领袖和队伍素质五个方面重点探讨了高校网络舆情教育价值的实现路径。一是要树立科学有效的育人理念,提供教育价值实现的指引力;二是要提升主体的理性参与意识,,提供教育价值实现的内驱力;三是要科学设置舆情的议程内容,提供教育价值实现的推动力;四是要培养舆情引导的意见领袖,提供教育价值实现的感召力;五是要增强工作队伍的综合素质,提供教育价值实现的保障力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet, the network has increasingly become an important platform for teachers and students, especially college students to express their opinions, and the network public opinion of colleges and universities has emerged as the times require. The value of education is the responsibility and mission of Ideological and Political Education under the network environment.
The network public opinion in Colleges and universities has the particularity of the main body, the richness of the content, the formation of the accumulation, the difficult control of the trend, the freedom of the communication, the interaction of the influence, and the research perspective of the active utilization and scientific development can be found that the above characteristics of the network public opinion of the university can bring about the comprehensive development of the university students' knowledge, emotion, meaning, letter and line. The new opportunity provides a rich material for "knowledge information acquisition", provides positive energy for "moral sentiment training", provides a practical test for "temper of will quality", provides practical positions for "ideal and belief education", and provides scientific direction for "behavior mode guidance", and has significant educational value.
The evolution of network public opinion in Colleges and universities presents specific laws and characteristics, and forms the function mechanism of educational value. In particular, the full use of the "fluctuation rule" can ensure the full realization of the educational value, and the sharing platform of educational resources can be constructed by using the "Dissipative Structure Characteristics", and the "silent spiral phenomenon" can be used to camp. The opinion climate of creating educational environment can improve the effect of educational behavior by using the herd psychological effect.
On the basis of a profound grasp of the manifestation and mechanism of the educational value of network public opinion in Colleges and universities, the realization path of educational value of network public opinion in Colleges and universities is discussed from five aspects: the concept of education, the subject of public opinion, the content of the agenda, the leader and the quality of the team. First, the effective educating idea of the science of science and the realization of the educational value are provided. Refers to gravity; two is to enhance the rational participation consciousness of the subject, provide the internal drive for the realization of educational value; three is to scientifically set the agenda of public opinion, provide the impetus for the realization of educational value; four is to cultivate opinion leaders guided by public opinion, to provide the appeal of the realization of educational value; and five to strengthen the comprehensive elements of the work team. Quality provides the guarantee of the realization of educational value.


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