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发布时间:2018-06-03 08:48

  本文选题:政府 + 促进 ; 参考:《山西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国教育体制和经济体制的不断改革,大学生就业问题已成为经济发展的瓶颈。加上农村剩余劳动力转移、国企职工下岗等基本国情,和国际环境的变幻莫测,使大学生就业问题面临着更复杂的背景。从政府的角度看,大学生作为劳动力大军中最有优势和潜力的群体,是优质的人力资源,是推动未来经济持续发展的主力军。而单靠经济增长带来的就业岗位是有限的,与其被动等待就业不如主动创业,以创业来带动就业。所以提升大学生创业成功率,不仅能够促进社会稳定,而且能够创造新的工作岗位来推动经济的发展、增强国家综合竞争力和可持续发展的动力。 创业是一个系统的工程,成功创业的实现不能仅依赖一个有潜力的创业团队和一份完美的创业计划书;真正将创业付诸实施,从创业小企业发展为成功企业,还需要政府的大力支持和全方位服务、对创业的法律法规的健全,全社会对创业的认可、融资渠道对创业企业的支持、创业失败时的及时援助及对创业者的社会保障等。这些都属于政府的职能,尽管政府多方鼓励创业,但效果不甚明显,我国大学生的创业成功率仅为百分之十,远远低于西方先进国家。而大学生千军万马考公务员的现象就更能说明他们对创业信心不足。正是由于我国政府在促进大学生创业的角色定位不准确,还存在错位和缺位,导致我国大学生创业能力不足和创业热情不高。 本文对我国政府应在促进大学生创业中应扮演的角色问题进行研究,共分为四个部分,第一章是对创业及政府角色的相关理论进行分析与概述;第二部分介绍我国在促进大学生创业中中角色的错位与缺位;以及对角色错位和缺位的原因进行分析;第三部分是日本和美国政府的在促进创业中的角色定位;第四部分是对我国政府应在促进大学生创业中的角色进行重新定位。 目前对大学生就业问题关注较多,而对往前一步的创业问题,大多还停留在创业教育方面,对政府在促进大学生创业过程中应扮演的角色进行分析的相关研究还较少,本文只是做了一个初步的尝试,希望能够抛砖引玉,引起学者和政府对促进大学生创业的重视,真正能够促进大学生的创业,实现大学生的价值,也实现国家经济的持续发展。
[Abstract]:With the continuous reform of education system and economic system, the employment of college students has become the bottleneck of economic development. In addition, the transfer of rural surplus labor force, the layoff of state-owned enterprise workers and the vagaries of the international environment make the employment of college students face a more complex background. From the government's point of view, college students, as the most advantageous and potential group in the labor force, are the high-quality human resources and the main force to promote the sustainable development of the future economy. But the economic growth alone brings the employment position is limited, rather than passively waiting for employment, it is better to take the initiative to start a business and start a business to drive the employment. Therefore, improving the success rate of university students' entrepreneurship can not only promote social stability, but also create new jobs to promote economic development, strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of the country and the power of sustainable development. Entrepreneurship is a systematic project, and successful entrepreneurial realization cannot depend on a potential entrepreneurial team and a perfect business plan. It also needs the support of the government, the perfection of the laws and regulations, the recognition of the whole society, the support of the financing channel, the timely assistance when the start-up fails and the social security of the entrepreneur. These are the functions of the government, although the government encourages entrepreneurship, but the effect is not obvious, the success rate of college students' entrepreneurship is only 10%, which is far lower than the western advanced countries. The phenomenon of college students taking civil servants shows their lack of confidence in entrepreneurship. It is precisely because the role of our government in promoting entrepreneurship of college students is not accurate, there are still dislocation and absence, which leads to the lack of entrepreneurial ability and enthusiasm of college students in our country. This paper studies the role that our government should play in promoting college students' entrepreneurship, which is divided into four parts. The first chapter analyzes and summarizes the relevant theories of entrepreneurship and government role. The second part introduces the dislocation and absence of the role in promoting college students' entrepreneurship, and analyzes the causes of the dislocation and absence. The third part is the role orientation of the Japanese and American governments in promoting entrepreneurship. The fourth part is to reposition our government's role in promoting college students'entrepreneurship. At present, more attention has been paid to the employment of college students, but most of the entrepreneurial problems that have been taken forward remain in the field of entrepreneurship education, and there are few relevant studies on the role that the government should play in promoting university students' entrepreneurship. This paper only makes a preliminary attempt, hoping to draw the attention of scholars and government to promote the entrepreneurship of college students, to realize the value of college students, and to realize the sustainable development of national economy.


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1 赵纹纹;;美国大学生创业环境分析[J];赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版);2011年01期




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