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发布时间:2018-06-03 12:51

  本文选题:需要理论 + 医学实习生 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会发展和医学科学进步,医学模式已由传统的生物模式转变为生物—心理—社会模式,这对医学教育培养目标提出了更高更新的要求。特别是近年来,医疗纠纷剧增,医患关系已经成为社会焦点,和谐医患关系成为全社会共同的期待。在此背景下,加强以医德教育为核心内容的医学生思想政治教育工作,培养具备高尚医德的医学人才显得尤为迫切,具有很强的现实意义。 实习阶段是医学生成为医生的过渡时期。它不仅是医学生掌握专业理论和职业技能的重要环节,而且是医学生理论联系实际、形成良好思想道德品质的关键时期。这个时期,他们远离学校进入医院,面对随之而来的管理衔接、环境变化以及考研就业等问题,他们的思想行为也悄然发生了变化,部分医学生甚至出现思想道德水平下降的现象。因此,有必要针对医学生实习阶段的新变化、新情况,开展思想政治教育适应性研究,以提高医学实习生思想政治教育实效性,为培养高素质医学人才奠定基础。 本文尝试在需要理论视域下,对医学生实习阶段思想政治教育进行研究和探索。全文共分为五个部分。第一部分绪论。阐述了本课题研究的社会背景和现实意义,对国内外开展医学生思想政治教育的研究状况进行综合分析,,提出本文的研究思路和内容,并确定本课题研究的主要方法。第二部分是基本理论依据。阐述了人的需要的基本内涵,重点论述了马克思主义人的需要理论核心内容,深入分析了马克思主义人的需要理论缘何成为思想政治教育工作的理论基础。同时,还简要阐述了马斯洛需要层次理论的主要观点。第三部分是医学实习生思想现状和需要情况调查。采取实证研究,通过问卷调查和个别访谈,对福建医科大学、福建中医药大学2007级575名五年制医学类实习生进行调查,调查内容涉及基本的理想道德观、医德现象的认知、行为取向以及实习期间的需要状况等。第四部分是调查结果及医学实习生思想政治教育现状分析。通过调查结果,指出实习阶段医学生思想行为存在不足的根由,其中着重阐述该阶段医学生存在明显的需要层次和矛盾。在此基础上,深入分析医学生实习阶段思想政治教育工作存在的主要问题。第五部分是改进医学生实习阶段思想政治教育的对策和建议。针对医学实习生思想政治教育现状,从医学生的实际需要出发,以马克思主义人的需要理论作指导,科学借鉴马斯洛需要理论,从适应基本需要、正确对待利益需要、满足和谐交往需要、助力全面发展需要等多维度提出系列措施,为新时期医学实习生思想政治教育探索新途径、新方法提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the progress of medical science, the medical model has changed from the traditional biological model to the biological-psycho-social model, which puts forward higher requirements for the goal of medical education and cultivation. Especially in recent years, medical disputes have increased dramatically, doctor-patient relationship has become the focus of society, harmonious doctor-patient relationship has become the common expectation of the whole society. Under this background, it is particularly urgent to strengthen the ideological and political education of medical students with the core content of medical ethics education and to train medical talents with noble medical ethics, which is of great practical significance. The practice stage is the transitional period for medical students to become doctors. It is not only an important link for medical students to master professional theory and vocational skills, but also a key period for medical students to combine theory with practice and form good ideological and moral quality. In this period, they entered the hospital far away from the school. In the face of the problems of management convergence, environmental change, and the entrance examination and employment, their thinking and behavior quietly changed. Some medical students even appear the phenomenon that the ideological and moral level drops. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a study on the adaptability of ideological and political education in view of the new changes and new conditions in the practice stage of medical students, so as to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education of medical interns and lay the foundation for the cultivation of high-quality medical talents. This paper tries to study and explore the ideological and political education of medical students in the field of need theory. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction. This paper expounds the social background and practical significance of this research, comprehensively analyzes the research situation of the ideological and political education of medical students at home and abroad, puts forward the research ideas and contents of this paper, and determines the main research methods of this subject. The second part is the basic theoretical basis. This paper expounds the basic connotation of human needs, emphasizes on the core contents of Marxist theory of human needs, and analyzes in depth why the theory of human needs becomes the theoretical basis of ideological and political education. At the same time, the main viewpoints of Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs are briefly expounded. The third part is the status quo and needs of medical interns. By means of empirical research, questionnaires and individual interviews, we investigated 575 medical interns of grade 2007 in Fujian Medical University and Fujian University of traditional Chinese Medicine. The contents of the investigation involved the basic ideal morality and the cognition of medical ethics phenomenon. Behavior orientation and needs during practice. The fourth part is the investigation result and the medical intern ideological and political education present situation analysis. Through the results of the investigation, the author points out the root cause of the deficiency of medical students' thought and behavior in the practice stage, and emphasizes on the obvious need levels and contradictions of the medical students in this stage. On this basis, the main problems existing in the ideological and political education of medical students are analyzed in depth. The fifth part is to improve the ideological and political education of medical students. In view of the current situation of ideological and political education of medical interns, starting from the actual needs of medical students, guided by Marxist theory of human needs, using Maslow's theory of needs for reference scientifically, it is necessary to meet the basic needs and treat the needs of interests correctly. In order to meet the needs of harmonious communication and help the all-round development of medical students, a series of measures were put forward to provide references for the exploration of new ways and methods for the ideological and political education of medical interns in the new period.


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