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发布时间:2018-06-05 18:13

  本文选题:关系 + 高校教师队伍建设 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文研究的范畴聚焦在我国高校队伍建设领域,高校队伍主要由教师队伍、管理队伍和辅导员队伍组成,他们作为高校主要的人才资源,对高校的发展起着至关重要的作用。本研究从关系的角度出发,,对高校教师队伍、高校管理队伍和高校辅导员队伍建设过程中存在的关系进行分析,从整体上把握队伍建设过程中各种关系发生的机理和过程,通过优化彼此间的关系,形成合力,提出正确处理高校队伍建设关系的途径与策略。 高校队伍建设的三支队伍各有自身建设内容、任务与特点,高校教师队伍建设的内容主要包括把控规模、完善素质、优化结构、改进管理、创新机制等,重点任务在于学科带头人的培养和打造创新团队,具有长期性、战略性、法规保障、稳定发展的特点;思想建设、组织建设、作风建设是高校管理队伍建设的主要内容,具有科层化和专业化、行政管理与学术管理相统一的特点;强化辅导员培养、完善辅导员评价机制、做好辅导员情感管理是高校辅导员队伍建设的主要内容,具有职业内涵不断丰富、专业化趋势明显的特点。 高校队伍建设中存在一些共性的宏观的关系,也有各支队伍独特的关系,本研究从宏观角度,重点分析了高校规划与实施的关系、规模与结构的关系、多样性需求与自我发展的关系、激励与规范的关系,并提出了正确处理这些宏观关系的途径与策略;从微观角度,分别分析了高校三支队伍建设的一般关系,高校教师队伍建设中职业与专业、学术自由与学术责任、学科带头人与学术团队、教学与科研之间的关系;高校管理队伍建设中专职行政管理人员与兼职行政管理人员的关系、稳定性与流动性的关系、管理部门之间的关系;高校辅导员队伍建设中辅导员的日常工作与长期发展、专职与兼职、稳定与流动之间的关系,并分别提出了处理这些关系的策略。
[Abstract]:The category of this paper focuses on the field of university team construction in our country. The university team is mainly composed of teachers, management and counselors. As the main talent resources of colleges and universities, they play a vital role in the development of colleges and universities. From the point of view of relationship, this study analyzes the relationships existing in the process of the construction of college teachers, university management teams and university counselors, and grasps the mechanism and process of various relationships in the process of team building as a whole. Through optimizing the relationship between each other and forming the resultant force, the paper puts forward the ways and strategies to deal with the relationship between the construction of the university team correctly. The three teams of the construction of the university team have their own construction contents, tasks and characteristics. The contents of the construction of university teachers include controlling the scale, perfecting the quality, optimizing the structure, improving the management, innovating the mechanism, etc. The key task is to train and build the innovative team, which is of a long-term and strategic nature. The characteristics of legal guarantee and steady development, ideological construction, organization construction and style construction are the main contents of the construction of management team in colleges and universities, with the characteristics of stratification and specialization of science, unification of administration and academic management, strengthening the cultivation of counselors, Perfecting the evaluation mechanism of counselors and managing counselors' emotion is the main content of college counselors' team construction, which has the characteristics of rich professional connotation and obvious specialization trend. There are some general macro relations in the construction of college counselors. There is also a unique relationship between each team. From a macro point of view, this study focuses on the analysis of the relationship between planning and implementation, the relationship between scale and structure, the relationship between diversity needs and self-development, and the relationship between incentives and norms. It also puts forward the ways and strategies to deal with these macro relations correctly, analyzes the general relationship of the construction of the three teams in colleges and universities from the microcosmic angle, the profession and specialty, the academic freedom and the academic responsibility in the construction of the faculty of colleges and universities. The relationship between academic leaders and academic teams, between teaching and research, between full-time administrators and part-time administrators, between stability and mobility, and between management departments; The relationship between counselors' daily work and long-term development, full-time and part-time, stability and mobility in the construction of college counselors' team is discussed, and the strategies to deal with these relationships are put forward respectively.


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