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发布时间:2018-06-06 14:31

  本文选题:大学生 + 创业 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After the large-scale enrollment expansion of higher education in China, the number of college graduates has been rising, reaching 7.27 million in 2014, which is known as the most difficult employment season in history. The continuous and severe employment situation of college students and the rapidly developing environment for college students' entrepreneurship have aroused great attention and concern in various industries such as the country, universities, society and enterprises, and also involve the well-being of hundreds of millions of families, which is related to the reform and development of social harmony. This urges the university student to start a business to become one kind of inevitable trend. The 16th National Congress of the Party to the 18 th National Congress of the Party has continuously raised the importance of entrepreneurship among college students. In the face of the new situation and new task of economic and social development, we should carry out "take the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics", implement the strategy of national innovation-driven development, and train a large number of innovative talents. The whole society should attach importance to and support youth innovation and entrepreneurship. Li Keqiang puts forward to carry out "multi-creation space", optimize the entrepreneurial environment of college students, lead entrepreneurship by innovation, promote employment by entrepreneurship, implement uninterrupted employment service for college students, and improve the proportion of employment and entrepreneurship of college students. Facing the new situation of "Chinese Dream, Entrepreneurship Dream", college students' entrepreneurship has ushered in the best era. However, the influence of many factors has led to the low success rate of college students' entrepreneurship and the confidence of college students' entrepreneurship. This article is divided into four parts, the first part of the introduction. The second part is about the basic concept of entrepreneurship. The third part is the analysis of the factors restricting college students' entrepreneurship. Firstly, it summarizes the achievements of college students' entrepreneurship, clarifies the reasons for the formation of entrepreneurial constraints, and systematically analyzes the restrictive factors that affect college students' entrepreneurship. The fourth part puts forward the measures to promote college students'entrepreneurship. After analyzing and combing the restrictive factors of college students' entrepreneurship, the author puts forward some measures to further solve the problems and promote the entrepreneurship of college students.


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