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发布时间:2018-06-06 15:57

  本文选题:时尚文化 + 大学生 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:时尚文化是社会发展的产物,在开放多元的文化环境中,它作为一种独特的文化类型,有着区别于主流文化、大众文化和流行文化的不同特征。社会结构的变革,经济的进步,意识观念的更新以及现代大众传媒的发展,不仅为时尚文化的形成和传播提供了有利条件,而且促进了具有强烈探索精神的大学生成为时尚文化的重要实践主体。时尚文化在大学生中已形成了相当程度的影响力,毋庸讳言,时尚文化加速了他们的社会化,活跃了他们的生活,缓解了各种压力,也丰富了大学生思想政治教育的内容和方法,具有不容忽视的积极作用。但是,在商业利益的操弄和运行下,时尚文化也给身心尚未成熟的大学生带来不容小觑的消极影响,诸如抹杀大学生的个体独特性,导致大学生羞耻感淡化,沉溺于不良消费,审美情趣日益庸俗化,影响大学生的健康成长。同时,负面时尚文化能够冲击高校思想政治教育弘扬的主流文化,加剧思想政治教育环境的复杂性,增加了大学生思想政治教育的难度。 时尚文化己成为大学生思想政治教育必须面对的客观现实环境,亦是一种富有深刻内涵的社会文化现象,承担着不可推卸的文化传播责任。因此,高校思想政治教育应认识和把握时尚文化对大学生影响的复杂性和双重性,用社会主义核心价值观引领时尚文化,既要合理利用时尚文化的积极因素,又善于应对时尚文化带来的消极影响,从而提升大学生的综合素质,促进大学生自由全面发展。 时尚文化对大学生思想政治教育的影响及对策研究有助于我们了解大学生思想道德素质的基本状况,探索改进思想政治教育的基本思路,开辟思想政治教育新途径,对于增强思想政治教育的实效性和创新性、改进高校思想政治教育工作具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Fashion culture is the product of social development. In the open and pluralistic cultural environment, as a unique cultural type, it has different characteristics from mainstream culture, popular culture and pop culture. The transformation of social structure, the progress of economy, the renewal of consciousness and the development of modern mass media not only provide favorable conditions for the formation and dissemination of fashion culture, Moreover, it promotes college students with a strong spirit of exploration to become an important practice subject of fashion culture. Fashion culture has formed a considerable degree of influence among college students. Needless to say, fashion culture accelerates their socialization, enlivens their lives, and relieves various pressures. It also enriches the contents and methods of ideological and political education of college students, and has a positive effect that can not be ignored. However, under the manipulation and operation of commercial interests, fashion culture has also brought negative effects that can not be underestimated to young college students, such as erasing the individual uniqueness of college students, causing them to downplay their sense of shame, and indulging in bad consumption. Aesthetic taste is increasingly vulgar, affecting the healthy growth of college students. At the same time, negative fashion culture can impact the mainstream culture of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, aggravate the complexity of ideological and political education environment, and increase the difficulty of ideological and political education for college students. Fashion culture has become the objective realistic environment that college students' ideological and political education must face, and it is also a kind of social and cultural phenomenon with profound connotation, which bears the unshirkable responsibility of cultural communication. Therefore, ideological and political education in colleges and universities should understand and grasp the complexity and duality of the influence of fashion culture on college students, lead fashion culture with socialist core values, and make rational use of the positive factors of fashion culture. It is also good at coping with the negative influence brought by fashion culture so as to promote the comprehensive quality of college students and promote their free and all-round development. The influence of fashion culture on college students' ideological and political education and its countermeasures can help us understand the basic situation of college students' ideological and moral quality, explore the basic ideas of improving ideological and political education, and open up new ways of ideological and political education. It is of great practical significance to enhance the effectiveness and innovation of ideological and political education and to improve the work of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.


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