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发布时间:2018-06-11 16:31

  本文选题:大学生思想政治教育 + 个性教育 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:新世纪是一个知识变更快,信息变化快的时代,对人才的要求是越来越高,除了要具备丰富的知识和各种能力,更要求人才具有一个良好的个性品质。因此,培养人的健康的良好个性成为近年来各国德育的一个重要内容。但由于受传统教育和应试教育的影响,整体划一的教育在我国高校至今还存在着,这种教育不仅阻碍了学生个性的良好发展,也影响了学生的全面发展。以致学生普遍综合素质不高,我们一直提倡的素质教育不能在大学生身上得到体现。由于文化的进步、科学技术的飞速发展,大学生的个性特征越来越受到学校和社会的高度重视,本文以“以人为本”“全面发展”理论为指导,在哲学、心理学、教育学等学科的研究基础上,笔者根据多年的工作经验,运用文献法、分析与概括相结合的研究方法,探讨了在大学生思想政治教育中的实施个性教育的现实意义,剖析了大学生思想政治教育中的个性教育存在的问题及影响因素,针对其存在的问题,提出了高校中实施大学生思想政治教育中的个性教育的途径。本论文分四部分进行论述: 第一部分:分析讨论了关于个性、个性教育的含义。个性的含义是指个体在一定的社会关系中形成的,结合不同心理特征、生理特征和社会特征等方式的独特有机结合。个性教育就是尊重学生个性特征,根据学生们的不同个性,因材施教,培养学生的良好个性,充分调动学生积极主动性,更好的实践“以人为本”的教育理念,实现大学生全面发展的需要因而在大学生思想政治教育中实施个性教育具有重要的意义。 第二部分:阐述在大学生思想政治教育中实施个性教育的原则及其依据。根据相关哲学和心理学理论,提出在大学生思想政治教育中实施个性教育的必须遵循的准则,即主体性与自主性,系统性与针对性,长期性与渗透性。 第三部分:分析了大学生思想政治教育中的个性教育存在的问题及影响因素,其中主要论述了在教学教法、学生管理、校园文化建设三个角度存在的问题,并从学生自身,社会和学校这三个方面,展开分析大学生思想政治教育中的个性教育影响因素。 第四部分:针对大学生思想教育存在的问题及影响因素,提出了在大学生思想政治教育中的实施个性教育的途径。通过构建有利于大学生个性形成的教育教学管理体制及评价体系,重视校园文化建设提高教师素质,建立新型的师生关系,提高大学生的自我意识,发展大学生的自我教育,充分调动学生的主观能动性等来提高大学生的综合素质。
[Abstract]:The new century is an era of fast change of knowledge and fast change of information. The demand for talents is higher and higher. In addition to having rich knowledge and various abilities, the talent has a good personality quality. Therefore, cultivating good personality of human health has become an important part of moral education in various countries in recent years. But because of the traditional teaching, it has been taught by traditional teaching. The influence of education and examination oriented education, the education in the whole is still existing in China's colleges and universities. This kind of education not only hinders the good development of the students' personality, but also affects the overall development of the students. So the general quality of the students is not high. The quality education we have been advocating is not able to be embodied in the college students. With the rapid development of science and technology, the personality characteristics of college students are being paid more and more attention by the school and the society. Based on the theory of "people-oriented" and "all-round development", on the basis of the study of philosophy, psychology and education, the author uses literature method and combines analysis and generalization on the basis of many years' work experience. This paper discusses the practical significance of the implementation of the personality education in the ideological and political education of college students, analyzes the existing problems and influencing factors in the ideological and political education of college students, and puts forward the ways to carry out the individual education in the ideological and political education of college students in order to solve the existing problems. This thesis is divided into four parts. The points are discussed.
The first part is to analyze and discuss the meaning of personality and personality education. The meaning of personality refers to the unique organic combination of individuals formed in a certain social relationship, combining different psychological characteristics, physiological characteristics and social characteristics. Personality education is to respect students' personality characteristics and teach students according to their aptitude according to their different personality. It is of great significance to cultivate the students' good personality, fully mobilize the positive initiative of the students, to better practice the "people-oriented" educational concept and to realize the needs of the overall development of the college students, and thus to carry out the personality education in the ideological and political education of college students.
The second part: the principle and the basis for the implementation of the personality education in the ideological and political education of college students. According to the related philosophy and psychological theory, the principles that must be followed in the implementation of the personality education in the ideological and political education of college students, namely, subjectivity and autonomy, systematicness and pertinence, long-term and permeable nature, are put forward.
The third part: analyzing the problems and influencing factors of the personality education in the ideological and political education of college students, which mainly discussed the problems in the teaching methods, the student management and the construction of the campus culture in three aspects, and analyzed the personality of the students' Ideological and political education from the three aspects of the students themselves, the society and the school. The influence factors of education.
The fourth part: in view of the existing problems and influencing factors of College Students' Ideological and educational education, this paper puts forward the way to implement personality education in the ideological and political education of college students. Through the construction of the educational and teaching management system and evaluation system which is beneficial to the formation of College Students' personality, we should attach importance to the construction of campus culture to improve the quality of teachers and establish a new type of teacher-student relationship. It is necessary to improve college students' self-consciousness, develop their self-education, and fully mobilize their subjective initiative to improve their comprehensive quality.


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