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发布时间:2018-06-13 23:18

  本文选题:独立学院 + 应用型人才 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:独立学院作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,在人才培养方面扮演着重要的作用。越来越多的独立学院清醒地认识到自身发展条件与社会需求,从而在自身优势与社会需求之间找到很好的结合点,纷纷将人才培养目标定位于培养高素质应用型人才,形成了各具特色的人才培养模式。 本文综合采用文献归纳法、调查研究法、案例分析法等多种研究方法,深入剖析增城市A独立学院应用型人才培养模式改革问题。在综合分析的基础上,总结A学院应用型人才培养模式至今取得的成就,其依然存在的问题,并针对性地简要分析原因。立足增城市A独立学院,针对其独具特色的“3+0.5+0.5”应用型人才培养模式,提出优化建议。通过上述研究,本文获得以下几点结论: (1)基于母体学校教育资源优势基础上,独立学院结合社会市场需求,构建应用型人才培养模式,培养创新性、技术性人才。 (2)独立学院不能仅仅复制母体学校的办学定位,而应结合自身民办性的特殊性质,充分利用现有优势资源,立足长远持续发展。 (3)独立学院应在充分研究当前区域经济发展需求的基础上,结合自身教育资源优势和长处,设置皇牌专业和特色课程,充分突出应用性和实践性的特征。 (4)在师资队伍建设方面,要调整好独立学院专职和兼职教师的比例,保证教师质量,满足教学需求;规范教师考核机制,提高教师教学水平。 (5)切实抓好独立学院人才培养质量保障体系的落实工作。一方面,,独立学院内部制定完善质量管理体系制度和考核标准,另一反面,加强政府监管、外部独立评估等外部监管保障建设。 鉴于A学院以高素质的应用型人才培养为办学目标,在办学过程中十分重视学生的实践能力和应用能力的锻炼,在应用型人才培养模式未来发展方向上,一种可行的选择是,对于学生的专业设置安排,坚持以市场为导向的“集约式”设置模式,在现有专业的基础上,尤其是强势工科专业的基础上,集中力量打造两三个强势专业,形成自己的学科特色,以加强人才培养竞争力。
[Abstract]:As an important part of higher education in China, independent colleges play an important role in talent training. More and more independent colleges are soberly aware of their own development conditions and social needs, and thus find a good combination point between their own advantages and social needs, and aim to train high-quality applied talents one after another. Has formed each characteristic talented person training pattern. In this paper, literature induction, investigation, case analysis and other research methods are used to deeply analyze the reform of applied talents training mode in Zengcheng A Independent College. On the basis of comprehensive analysis, this paper summarizes the achievements of the mode of cultivating applied talents in College A, the problems that still exist, and briefly analyzes the reasons. Based on Zengcheng A Independent College, this paper puts forward some optimized suggestions for its unique "30.5 0.5" applied talents training mode. Through the above research, this paper obtains the following conclusions: 1) based on the advantages of educational resources of mother school, the independent college combines the social market demand, constructs the applied talent training mode, trains the innovation, The independent college should not only copy the orientation of the parent school, but also make full use of the existing advantage resources in the light of the special nature of its own run by the people. Based on the long-term sustainable development, the independent college should, on the basis of fully studying the needs of the current regional economic development, combine its own advantages and strengths of educational resources, and set up courses with special features and major cards. Fully highlighting the characteristics of application and practicality. (4) in the construction of the teaching staff, we should adjust the proportion of full-time and part-time teachers in independent colleges, ensure the quality of teachers and meet the teaching needs, standardize the teacher assessment mechanism, Improve the teaching level of teachers. 5) do a good job in the implementation of the quality assurance system of personnel training in independent colleges. On the one hand, the independent college establishes and consummates the quality management system and the examination standard inside, the other side, strengthens the government supervision, the external independent appraisal and so on external supervision safeguard construction. In view of the fact that college A takes the cultivation of high quality applied talents as its goal, and attaches great importance to the training of students' practical and applied abilities in the course of running a school, a feasible choice in the future development direction of the mode of cultivating applied talents is: With regard to the arrangement of students' major setting, we should adhere to the market-oriented "intensive" setup model and concentrate our efforts on building two or three strong majors on the basis of the existing majors, especially the strong engineering majors. Form one's own discipline characteristic, in order to strengthen talent training competitive power.


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