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发布时间:2018-06-15 05:21

  本文选题:体育毕业生 + 就业 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在2000年之前我国的普通家庭,孩子上大学是全家人的骄傲,,上大学也是普通家庭孩子的最佳出路。2002年之后,随着社会发展步伐的加快,社会经济的转型。高校的高等教育由以前的精英教育转向成为大众教育,高校招生的一度扩招,毕业生在数量上逐年急剧的增加,而社会对高校毕业生的需求量使得高校毕业生出现供大于求的局面,造成大量的高校毕业生毕业了找不到工作,导致现时期大学毕业生的现状——就业难。 “就业难”已经成为家喻户晓,众所周知的社会问题。特别是高校毕业生的就业难,父母含辛茹苦的供应子女十几年甚至二十几年的读书。毕业了,找不到工作,在人才交流市场上大学毕业生的整体待遇尚不如拥有一技之长的工人。笔者就调查认为,出现这样的问题是多种因素决定的:高校近年来的盲目扩招、课程设置改革的滞后、人才市场的不规范、政府引导力度不够、传统就业观念的影响等等。大量的高校毕业生失业,一是国家人力资源的损失和浪费,为社会经济建设的发展产生消极的和负面的影响,同时也为现如今提倡的“和谐社会”的建设产生不稳定的因素;二是降低了广大人民群众对教育投资的积极性,甚至很多河南的农民认为,上大学没啥用出来工作也难找,就是找也找不到啥好工作,还不如直接去南方打工。 2006年国务院委员周济同志在全国普通高校毕业生就业工作会议上的讲话中说道:“党中央、国务院高度重视高校毕业生就业工作,胡锦涛、温家宝等中央领导同志多次做出重要批示,要求全力做好高校毕业生就业工作。几年来,国务院每年召开专门会议、发出专门文件,进行系统部署。中央有关部门从各自的职能出发,密切配合、通力合作,采取有效措施,积极促进高校毕业生就业和创业。”此表明国家已经对高校毕业生就业难问题引起了高度的关注。 截止2012年年底,时过6年,目前社会高校毕业生的就业形势仍不容乐观,特别是高校体育毕业生的就业形势,一年比一年差,笔者在调查中发现很多2009年毕业的体育毕业生至今仍没找到工作,但年龄都这么大了,又不好意思给家里人要钱,只能打临时工。 根据笔者调查河南省高校体育毕业生就业的现状,笔者认为提高高校毕业生就业率是目前社会应首要解决的问题。为此笔者认为,研究河南省高校体育毕业生的就业问题,无论对国家人力资源的分配利用,或是对“和谐社会“的建设都有很重大的意义。同时也为毕业生个人、河南省高校和各用人单位提供理论上的参考和借鉴的依据。
[Abstract]:Before 2000, it was the pride of the whole family for children to go to college, and the best way for them to go to college. After 2002, with the acceleration of social development, the transformation of social economy. Higher education in colleges and universities has changed from elite education to mass education. The number of graduates has increased sharply year by year as enrollment has been expanded. However, the demand for college graduates in the society makes the supply of college graduates exceed the demand, resulting in a large number of college graduates can not find a job, leading to the current situation of college graduates-employment is difficult. Difficult employment has become a well-known and well-known social problem. Especially, the employment of college graduates is difficult, and parents are struggling to supply their children with more than ten years or even twenty years of study. Graduated, unable to find a job, in the talent exchange market, the overall treatment of college graduates is not as good as the workers with one skill. According to the investigation, this problem is determined by many factors: the blind enrollment expansion in recent years, the lagging of curriculum reform, the nonstandard talent market, the insufficient government guidance, the influence of traditional employment concept, and so on. A large number of college graduates lose their jobs, one is the loss and waste of national human resources, which has a negative and negative impact on the development of social and economic construction, and at the same time the unstable factors for the construction of "harmonious society" advocated nowadays; Second, it has reduced the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people to invest in education. Even many farmers in Henan believe that there is no use for college and it is hard to find a job. Even if you find a good job, you can't find a good one. In 2006, Comrade Zhou Ji, member of the State Council, said in a speech at the National Conference on the Employment of College graduates: "the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the employment of college graduates, Hu Jintao," Wen Jiabao and other central leading comrades have repeatedly made important instructions, demanding to do a good job of college graduates. For several years, the State Council held a special meeting every year to issue special documents for system deployment. Proceeding from their respective functions, the relevant departments of the Central Committee have closely cooperated with each other and taken effective measures to actively promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates. " This shows that the country has caused a high degree of concern about the employment of college graduates. By the end of 2012, six years later, the employment situation of social college graduates is still not optimistic. Especially, the employment situation of college sports graduates is getting worse and worse every year. In the investigation, I found that many sports graduates graduated in 2009 still haven't found a job, but they are so old and embarrassed to ask for money for their families, they can only get temporary jobs. According to the investigation of the present situation of the employment of college sports graduates in Henan Province, the author thinks that it is the most important problem that should be solved in the society at present to improve the employment rate of college graduates. Therefore, the author thinks that it is of great significance to study the employment of sports graduates in colleges and universities in Henan Province, not only in the distribution and utilization of national human resources, but also in the construction of a "harmonious society". At the same time, it also provides theoretical reference and reference for graduates, colleges and universities and employers in Henan Province.


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1 张晓静;;对我校增设社会体育专业的可行性思考[J];甘肃联合大学学报(自然科学版);2009年06期

2 曹士云;;中外高校休闲体育专业现状与特点的比较研究[J];黑龙江高教研究;2008年11期

3 彭文革;国内外高校对体育休闲娱乐专业人才的培养[J];体育学刊;2004年04期




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