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发布时间:2018-06-15 06:53

  本文选题:90后大学生 + 婚恋价值观 ; 参考:《广东商学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:90后大学生是伴随着全球经济一体化,中国改革开放的进一步深化、市场经济转型与社会变迁的背景下成长,他们的思想、心理都带有明显的时代特征。 婚恋价值观教育是价值观教育的组成部分之一,同时也是是思想政治教育的重要内容。90后大学生作为大学的主力军,对他们的婚恋价值观进行正确的引导和教育,无论对90后大学生本身,还是整个社会都有重大意义。 90后大学生的恋爱观念、择偶观念、性价值观念、婚姻家庭观念等方面既有积极内容,同时也存在一些问题。积极的因素表现为:在婚恋中向往自由、平等发展,在婚恋中凸显主体意识的觉醒,在婚恋中寻求情感的需求和满足;问题表现为:重恋爱过程而轻责任,择偶标准物质化,性价值观念开放化,婚姻家庭观念的淡薄。 90后大学生婚恋价值观存在一些问题,导致这些问题的原因是多方面的。通过对90后大学生婚恋价值现状的调查研究,本文发现90后大学生婚恋价值观存在问题的原因主要来自社会、高校、家庭和90后大学生自身。 要教育和引导90后大学生树立正确的婚恋价值观。90后大学生婚恋价值观教育要坚持以学生为本、灵活引导、情感性的原则。要加强对90后大学生的恋爱教育、大学生的性道德教育,开辟网络教育新阵地以及提前储备婚姻知识。同时,要发挥多种教育途径的作用,具体包括优化社会婚恋价值观教育环境,优化学校婚恋价值观教育环境,优化家庭婚恋价值教育环境,加强90后大学生自我教育。
[Abstract]:With the globalization of global economy, the further deepening of China's reform and opening up, the background of market economy transformation and social change, the post-90s college students are growing up under the background of the transformation of market economy and social changes. Their thoughts and psychology have obvious characteristics of the times. Marriage values education is one of the components of value education, and it is also an important part of ideological and political education. Whether it is of great significance to the post-90s college students themselves or to the whole society, there are some positive aspects of the post-90s college students' concepts of love, spouse selection, sexual values, marriage and family, etc. At the same time, there are some problems. The positive factors are: yearning for freedom and equal development in love and marriage, highlighting the awakening of subject consciousness in marriage and love, seeking emotional needs and satisfaction in marriage and love; Sexual values are open and marriage and family concepts are weak. There are some problems in marriage and love values of post-90s college students, which are caused by many reasons. Through the investigation and research on the status quo of the marriage value of the post-90s college students, this paper finds that the reasons for the problems of the post-90s college students' marriage and love values mainly come from the society, universities, families and post-90s college students themselves. It is necessary to educate and guide the post-90s college students to set up correct values of marriage and love, and to adhere to the principles of student-oriented, flexible guidance and affective in the education of post-90s college students' values of marriage and love. It is necessary to strengthen the love education of the post-90s college students, the sex moral education of the college students, open up a new field of network education and reserve the knowledge of marriage in advance. At the same time, it is necessary to play the role of various educational approaches, including optimizing the educational environment of social marriage values, optimizing the educational environment of school marriage values, optimizing the educational environment of family marriage values, and strengthening the self-education of post-90s college students.


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2 苏玉华;“90后”大学生思想行为特点及其教育对策研究[D];中南民族大学;2011年

3 李平菊;在校女研究生婚恋价值观研究[D];华中科技大学;2005年

4 马富强;大学生婚恋问题调查研究与教育方法探索[D];西安电子科技大学;2009年

5 陈方;中国80后婚恋价值观研究[D];西南交通大学;2009年

6 江传英;当前女大学生婚恋价值观及其教育研究[D];广西师范学院;2012年




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