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发布时间:2018-06-15 16:00

  本文选题:高等教育 + 市场营销 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国的民办高等教育取得了迅猛发展,已经成为我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分。同时,由于高等教育适龄人口逐年下降、公办高校扩的招、独立学院的设立及改造、国外教育机构来华招生和民办高校之间的竞争等原因,使得高等教育生源市场竞争日益激烈,在此背景下,教育营销策略已被民办高校运营者广泛应用,但目前民办高等教育营销依然存在诸多问题,民办高校的营销观念和营销手段都有极大的提升空间。 文章以具有民办高校普遍性和代表性的广东KJ学院为研究对象,借鉴非营利组织营销理论与内部营销理论,旨在通过引入市场营销的理念与解决问题的模式与机制,为我国民办高等教育逐步建立起内部符合教育规律、外部适应社会发展需要的竞争机制。 文章首先对研究的背景、意义、方法以及论文的创新之处进行了简单介绍,然后以市场营销和教育营销理论作为指导,分析和介绍了国内外教育营销研究和实践的发展现状,接着对广东KJ学院面临的宏观环境、行业环境和内部环境进行了剖析,在SWOT分析法总结学校面临的机会和威胁的基础之上,运用STP营销战略对广东KJ学院所面临的生源市场进行了市场细分、目标市场选择以及市场定位的分析,最后,对广东KJ学院现存的营销策略问题进行了分析,为提高学员竞争优势促进学校发展,提出了四个方面的营销策略优化方案。 文章的创作的价值主要在于研究结果的实用性,主要表现在:对于高等学校在招生、培养与就业过程中如何开展有效的市场营销进行了探讨,具有一定的实践指导意义;对高等学校如何进行市场细分、选择目标市场、定位从而形成自身的办学特色和竞争优势,提供了可行策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years , the rapid development of China ' s private higher education has become an important part of our country ' s higher education . At the same time , because of the annual decline of the age population of higher education , the establishment and transformation of the independent college , the establishment of independent college and the competition between the foreign educational institutions and the private colleges , the educational marketing strategy has been widely used by the operators of the private colleges and universities .

This paper , based on the theory of non - profit organization marketing and the theory of internal marketing , aims to establish a competition mechanism conforming to educational law and external adaptation to social development by introducing marketing theory and internal marketing theory , and by using the marketing theory and internal marketing theory of non - profit organization .

Firstly , the article introduces the background , meaning , method and the innovation of the thesis , then analyzes and introduces the development of the research and practice of education marketing at home and abroad , then analyzes the macro - environment , industry environment and internal environment faced by the students in Guangdong .

The value of the article is mainly about the practicability of the research results , which is mainly manifested in the discussion of how to carry out effective marketing in the process of recruiting , training and employment in colleges and universities , and has certain practical significance .
It provides a feasible strategy for how to subdivide the market , select the target market , and position it so as to form its own characteristics and competitive advantage .


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1 刘起军;[N];光明日报;2004年

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3 强侠;我国高等教育个人消费者权益保障研究[D];华中农业大学;2007年

4 兰文巧;高等教育产品及其营销研究[D];沈阳师范大学;2007年

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