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发布时间:2018-06-16 11:32

  本文选题:大学生 + 心理资本 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:心理资本是一个人在成长中所表现出的积极心理状态,包括自信、乐观、希望、韧性四个组成部分。它既稳定又可以通过投资得以提升,是现代社会增强人们竞争优势的关键。如何帮助大学生提升心理资本,在激烈的社会竞争中展现出积极的心理发展力量,增强适应能力及抗挫折能力是思想政治教育面临的热点问题之一。 本文在对有关国内外文献调研的基础上,立足于卢坦斯的心理资本理论、马克思关于人的全面发展理论、马斯洛的需求层次理论等,以大连市四所高校在校本科生和研究生为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,对大学生心理资本进行了实证研究。结果表明:大学生心理资本整体现状良好。对不同学校、年级、性别、专业、生源地、是否独生子女、家庭经济状况、家庭教养、家庭结构、成绩等级、是否担任学生干部等11个人口统计变量进行了差异性检验显示,女生的心理资本显著高于男生,尤其在希望和乐观维度上;研究生心理资本高于本科生,大三学生心理资本最低;一本院校学生心理资本显著高于二、三本院校学生;学习成绩偏上的大学生心理资本显著高于学习成绩偏下的大学生心理资本。单亲家庭学生心理资本中的乐观水平显著低于非单亲家庭学生;民主型家庭教养方式下的大学生心理资本中乐观水平显著高于其他类型家庭教养方式下成长起来的大学生。主要的问题及原因是大学生心理资本的各维度发展不均衡、对不同学生对象的心理资本存在差异重视不够、学生心理资本的开发缺乏立体化互动以及提升学生心理资本实践的针对性指导不足等,提出通过建立和完善大学生心理资本教育体系、优化大学生心理资本培养环境、加强大学生心理资本的自我提升实践三方面提升大学生的心理资本。
[Abstract]:Psychological capital is a positive state of mind that a person shows in his growth, including four components: confidence, optimism, hope and resilience. It is stable and can be promoted through investment, which is the key to enhance people's competitive advantage in modern society. How to help college students improve their psychological capital, show their positive psychological development power in the fierce social competition, and enhance their adaptability and ability to resist setbacks is one of the hot issues facing ideological and political education. On the basis of literature research at home and abroad, this paper is based on the theory of psychological capital of Lutans, Marx's theory on the overall development of human beings, Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs, etc. Taking undergraduates and postgraduates in four universities in Dalian as the research object, the psychological capital of college students is studied empirically by means of questionnaire. The results show that the overall situation of college students' psychological capital is good. The differences of 11 demographic variables, such as different schools, grades, gender, specialty, place of origin, only child, family economic status, family upbringing, family structure, grade of achievement, whether or not to be student cadres, were tested. The psychological capital of female students is significantly higher than that of male students, especially in the dimensions of hope and optimism, the psychological capital of graduate students is higher than that of undergraduates, the mental capital of junior students is the lowest, the psychological capital of one college student is significantly higher than that of the second and third college students. The psychological capital of college students with higher academic achievement is significantly higher than that of students with lower academic achievement. The optimistic level of psychological capital of single-parent family students is significantly lower than that of non-single-parent family students, and the optimistic level of college students' psychological capital under democratic family upbringing is significantly higher than that of other types of family upbringing. The main problems and reasons are that the development of each dimension of college students' psychological capital is not balanced, and the differences in psychological capital of different students are not paid enough attention to. The development of students' psychological capital is short of three-dimensional interaction and the pertinence guidance of improving the practice of students' psychological capital is insufficient. The author puts forward that the cultivation environment of college students' psychological capital should be optimized by establishing and perfecting the educational system of college students' psychological capital. To strengthen the self-promotion of college students' psychological capital and improve their psychological capital in three aspects.


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