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发布时间:2018-06-16 22:48

  本文选题:新媒体 + 辅导员 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:面对汹涌而来的信息化浪潮,作为大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,高校辅导员如何适应时代发展的需要,提升自身的信息素养显得尤为重要。信息素养是辅导员开展大学生思想政治教育必备的能力,也是辅导员自身职业化发展的需要,具体来说是指他们要有新媒体技术整合于本工作岗位的观念,使自己成为网络思想政治教育方面的专家,走专业化发展的道路。 本文沿着严谨的逻辑结构,逐层深入的展开对辅导员信息素养的考察和研究,首先,从其本质出发,分析高校辅导员信息素养的内涵与特点,并开创性的阐释了辅导员信息素养的形成机理。其次,制定了辅导员信息素养评价标准,并设计相对应的调查问卷、通过普遍调研和深度访谈等方法,对高校辅导员信息素养的现状进行深入分析。进而准确把握高校辅导员信息素养开发的整体状况、存在的问题和形成机理,为高校辅导员信息素养开发策略提供现实依据。本文的第三章,,笔者试图在内涵分析及现实考察的基础上,提出符合当前新媒体技术潮流及思想政治教育工作新要求的高校辅导员新媒体环境下信息素养的结构体系。并以此为理论基础和目标,设计新媒体环境下高校辅导员信息素养的四大提升对策。
[Abstract]:Facing the surging tide of information, as the backbone of college students' ideological and political education, it is particularly important for college counselors to adapt to the needs of the development of the times and improve their own information literacy. Information literacy is a necessary ability for counselors to carry out ideological and political education for college students, and it is also a need for the professional development of counselors themselves. Specifically, it refers to the idea that they should have new media technology to integrate into their jobs. Make oneself become the expert of network ideological and political education, walk the road of professional development. According to the rigorous logical structure, this paper investigates and studies the information literacy of counselors, first of all, it analyzes the connotation and characteristics of the information literacy of counselors in colleges and universities. It also explains the forming mechanism of counselors' information literacy. Secondly, the evaluation standard of counselors' information literacy is established, and the corresponding questionnaire is designed. Through the methods of general investigation and in-depth interview, the present situation of college counselors' information literacy is deeply analyzed. Furthermore, it can accurately grasp the overall situation, existing problems and formation mechanism of the information literacy development of college counselors, and provide a realistic basis for the development strategy of information literacy of college counselors. In the third chapter, the author tries to put forward the information literacy structure system of college counselors under the new media environment on the basis of connotation analysis and realistic investigation, which accords with the current trend of new media technology and the new requirements of ideological and political education work. Based on this theory and goal, the paper designs four strategies to improve the information literacy of college counselors under the new media environment.


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