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发布时间:2018-06-18 13:31

  本文选题:实验内容 + 病理生理学 ; 参考:《中国病理生理杂志》2013年10期

[Abstract]:Physiology and pathophysiology are important courses in medical higher vocational education. In order to improve the teaching effect, we optimize and integrate the contents and processes of the experimental teaching of the two courses. Through the proper integration of the experimental contents, the students' knowledge system of normal human physiological function and the main basic pathological process can occur. The mechanism of development and outcome is better linked up. Considering the characteristics of short academic system, tight time and many contents in higher vocational education, how to combine the basic theories of relevant experiments in a limited time, and how to display the operation technology of relevant experiments to students in a comprehensive, systematic and efficient manner, The emphasis of this exploration is to make the students enter into the state as soon as possible, finish the experiment content efficiently, and truly make the transition from normal "physiology" state to "pathophysiology" state smoothly. For this purpose, each experiment course has been designed and organized, including basic physiological experiments, the selection of classical pathophysiological experiments and comprehensive experiments, and the order of the experiments, especially the contents of the specific experiments that need to be explained and taught. It is the most important task for students to understand the main points of the theoretical knowledge of physiology and pathophysiology, the contents, steps and methods of the experiment in order to make the students familiar with it as soon as possible. In the process of implementation, the basic physiological experiment, classic pathophysiology experiment and comprehensive experiment video teaching file are designed and made to highlight the basic knowledge points of the connection between the two courses. Good results have been achieved, which plays an important role in the successful integration of the experimental contents of the two courses, and lays a foundation for the exploration and research of the subject fusion.
【作者单位】: 首都医科大学燕京医学院生理学与病理生理学教研室;


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