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发布时间:2018-06-18 17:14

  本文选题:高校 + 创业 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生就业创业问题关乎稳定、关乎发展,已成为党政及社会关注重要社会问题。就业离不开创业,帮助一个大学生创业,将会带动一批人就业,取得吸纳就业的乘数效应,激活城市经济增长的潜力。大学创业教育不仅关系到大学生就业,更关系到整个国家的活力和未来。创业教育自上世纪八十年代,就已成为外国高校教育的重要组成部分,其不但可以促使社会、经济与教育的紧密结合,还能实现将教育综合改革的目标提高到了一个新的层次。 而创业教育在我国首要出现的问题就是普及度低,并且现存的高校创业教育体系缺乏对主体大学生创新精神和意识的培养,另外多停留在理论知识,并未注意到如何使学生把理论知识转化成基本技能。所以研究于适用我国国情下的创业教育模式已经是大学生创业教育的一项重要工作,本文旨在通过对比当前形势下国内外创业教育模式,主要对长春市高校大学生创业教育工作的现状进行调研,结合实际情况,建设由创业课程、创业竞赛、创业实训和创业联盟等四大部分组成的大学生创业教育模式,并使之成为推动吉林省高校创业教育的新模式。 本文在研究过程中,运用逻辑思维的方法,从分析到综合、从抽象到具体,主要采取了比较分析法、文献综述法、制作调研问卷等具体的研究方法,逐步探索适合吉林省大学生创业教育的模式。 本文共分为五章,第一章主要论述论文选题背景以及研究意义,并说明了文章主要研究内容和研究方法;第二章,详细阐述了大学生创业教育的基本概念及特点:第三章,分析了国内试点院校创业教育模式的开展情况并重点介绍国外创业教育模式的基本情况,将两者模式加以对比分析,探求我国大学生创业教育开展的现状及存在的问题;第四章,提出适合吉林省高校大学生创业教育模式;第五章,给出总体的结论。
[Abstract]:The issue of employment and entrepreneurship of college students is related to stability and development, and has become an important social issue concerned by the Party and government and society. Employment is inseparable from entrepreneurship, helping a college student to start a business will lead a group of people to obtain employment, gain the multiplier effect of absorbing employment, and activate the potential of urban economic growth. University entrepreneurship education is not only related to the employment of college students, but also to the vitality and future of the whole country. Since the eighties of last century, entrepreneurship education has become an important part of foreign higher education. It can not only promote the close integration of society, economy and education, but also achieve the goal of comprehensive education reform to a new level. The most important problem of entrepreneurship education in China is its low popularity, and the existing system of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities lacks the cultivation of the innovative spirit and consciousness of the main college students, and more stays in the theoretical knowledge. No attention has been paid to how students can translate theoretical knowledge into basic skills. Therefore, it is an important work to study the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students under the conditions of our country. The purpose of this paper is to compare the domestic and foreign entrepreneurship education models under the current situation. This paper mainly investigates the current situation of entrepreneurship education for college students in Changchun, and combines the actual situation with the construction of a model of entrepreneurship education for college students, which consists of four major parts: entrepreneurship curriculum, entrepreneurial competition, entrepreneurship training and entrepreneurial alliance. And make it become a new mode of promoting entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Jilin Province. In the course of the research, this paper uses the method of logical thinking, from analysis to synthesis, from abstract to concrete, mainly adopts the method of comparative analysis, literature review, making questionnaire and other specific research methods. Gradually explore a suitable mode of entrepreneurship education for college students in Jilin Province. This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter mainly discusses the background and significance of the thesis, and explains the main research content and research methods. Chapter two, elaborated the basic concepts and characteristics of entrepreneurship education for college students: chapter three, This paper analyzes the development of entrepreneurship education model in domestic pilot colleges and focuses on introducing the basic situation of overseas entrepreneurship education mode, compares the two models, and explores the present situation and existing problems of entrepreneurship education for college students in China. The fourth chapter puts forward the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students in Jilin province, and the fifth chapter gives the overall conclusion.


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3 文/志宏 旋天颖 李凝;[N];科技日报;2002年

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