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发布时间:2018-06-19 13:13

  本文选题:药家鑫案件 + 道德教育 ; 参考:《陕西科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2010年10月20日,发生了震惊国内的药家鑫杀人案件。药家鑫是一位西安音乐学院大三的学生,事发当晚,药家鑫驾驶红色的雪佛兰轿车在从学校回家的路上将骑着电动车下班回家的张妙撞倒在地,之后药家鑫下车查看情况,在第一时间并没有对张妙采取施救措施,反而将其残忍的杀害。药家鑫这种卑劣犯罪的动机和残忍的犯罪行为令人发指。这不单单是一桩简单的交通肇事案,从道德层面上来说,他已经达到丧心病狂的程度,所以道德教育又一次被全国人民推到舆论的浪尖上。药家鑫的刀捅破的不仅仅是被害人张妙的身体,他还捅破到了人们的道德底线,让人们已经无法接受这一犯罪行为。 大学生在过去被称之为天之骄子,栋梁之才,是国家的希望,是民族的未来。但是当代大学生违反校纪校规,违法乱纪的事件屡屡发生,而且每年的犯罪率还有上升的趋势,这让我们对天之骄子大跌眼镜。我们不禁要问,为什么我们的栋梁之才会变成堕落的杀人恶魔呢,是我们的价值观出了问题,还是我们的教育出了问题?很显然,道德教育的缺失让我们的天之骄子迷失了方向,道德教育的实行势在必行,刻不容缓。大学生都是万里挑一的精英,代表着当前我国高智商人群,如果不正确的引导他们走向正确的道路上,那么高智商犯罪将会给我们的经济建设带来不可估量的严重后果。大学生是社会主义建设的主力军,引导他们健康成长对我们的国家和民族的未来有着十分深远的意义。 随着社会的进步,物质文明已经得到了空前的发展,作为精神文明反而变得暗淡无光,人们的道德都在开始出现滑坡甚至消亡,所以说道德教育是一个迫在眉睫的课题,也是一个可持续发展的课题。道德从某种程度上来说它带有一定的强制性,换句话说道德是没有理由和借口可言的,用康德的话来定义就是绝对的命令。道德是以一种意识形态存在于特定的社会环境下,随着环境的改变和历史的变迁,新的道德又会重新成长起来。中国的“道德”长期以来带着浓重的政治色彩,随着改革开放经济水平的提高,现在的道德已经走向了一个相对的平民化,这是一种进步。高校是一个教书育人的专门和固定的场所,高校的任务不仅仅是教书,更重要的是育人,所以它肩负的不仅仅是知识文化的传播,更重要的是培养符合新时代人才标准的任务;家庭道德教育是道德教育中至关重要的一个环节,父母作为孩子第一位老师,所有的行为规范和人生态度无不时刻的影响着孩子,一个孩子良好道德品质的形成会受到榜样作用的潜移默化;社会道德教育从某种意义是说就是社会公德教育,社会公德是作为一个社会人在人类社会生活之中所要遵循的一系列行为规范和生活准则,是社会文明的标志。 本文在第一部分简单的将本次选题的背景和意义作一概述;第二部分将详细的介绍药家鑫案件的发生经过和本案的发展过程,并通过此案进行道德反思;第三部分将尝试对当前家庭、高校和社会道德教育现状进行分析,并力图找出各个要素的在其自身职能发挥中所表现出来的缺陷和原因;文章的第四部分通过对药家鑫杀人案件的描述和分析,着重从家庭、高校和社会三个方面分别阐述道德教育的重要性,并在此基础上提出了以高校道德教育为主,以家庭道德教育为辅,以社会道德教育为目的的三位一体的道德教育模式;最后一部分是针对三位一体道德教育模式提出具体构建措施,力图让这一模式在运用到对大学生道德教育中,以达到完善大学生道德人格,预防大学生犯罪的效果。
[Abstract]:Yao Jiaxin was a junior at Xi'an Conservatory of Music in October 20, 2010. Xin Jiaxin was a junior at Xi'an Conservatory of Music. Instead of taking Zhang Miao to rescue him, he killed his brutal murder. The motive and brutal crime of Yao Jiaxin, a mean crime, is not just a simple traffic accident. On the moral level, he has reached the level of grief and morally pushed to public opinion once again by the people of the country. At the point of the wave. Yao's knife stabs not only the body of the victim Zhang Miao, but he also breaks the moral bottom line of the people, making it impossible for people to accept the crime.
College students in the past are known as the proud son, the pillars of the nation, the nation's hope, the future of the nation. But contemporary college students violating the school rules and regulations, violations of the rules and regulations repeatedly, and the annual rate of crime has an upward trend, which let us to the sky pride. We can not help asking why our pillars Will it become a degenerate demon of murder, is it a problem in our values, or is our education a problem? It is clear that the lack of moral education makes our natural pride lost, the implementation of moral education is imperative, and there is no delay. College students are all the elite of the world, representing the high IQ people of our country. If it is not correct to guide them to the right path, the crime of high IQ will bring inestimable serious consequences to our economic construction. College students are the main force of socialist construction, and it is of great significance to guide their healthy growth to the future of our country and our nation.
With the progress of society, material civilization has been developed unprecedentedly. As a spiritual civilization, it has become dark and dull. People's morality is beginning to fall and even die out. Therefore, moral education is an imminent subject and a subject of sustainable development. Coercive, in other words, morality is no reason or excuse, and is defined as absolute command by Kant's words. Morality is in a specific social environment with an ideology. With the change of the environment and the change of history, the new morality will grow again. Political color, with the improvement of the economic level of the reform and opening up, the present morality has moved towards a relatively common populace. This is a kind of progress. Colleges and universities are a special and fixed place for teaching and educating people. The task of universities is not only teaching, but more important is educating people, and it is more important than the dissemination of knowledge and culture. It is the task of training the standard of talent in the new era; family moral education is a crucial link in moral education. As the first teacher of children, all behavior norms and life attitudes affect the children at all times, and the formation of a child's good moral quality will be imperceptibly influenced by the role of example. In some sense, the moral education is the social morality education. Social morality is a series of norms and standards of life as a social person in the life of human society. It is a symbol of social civilization.
The first part is a brief overview of the background and significance of this topic; the second part will give a detailed introduction to the course of the occurrence of the case of Yao Jiaxin and the process of the development of this case, and carry out a moral reflection through this case; the third part will try to analyze the current situation of the current family, University and social moral education, and try to find out. The fourth part of the article, through the description and analysis of the killings of Yao Jiaxin, expounds the importance of moral education from three aspects of the family, the University and the society, and on this basis puts forward the moral education in Colleges and universities, and the family morality. The final part is to put forward concrete construction measures aimed at the Trinity moral education model, and try to make this model be applied to the moral education of college students, in order to improve the moral character of college students and prevent the crime of college students.


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