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发布时间:2018-06-20 03:47

  本文选题:大学生 + 科技创新 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:科学技术的进步是当今各国国力竞争与经济社会发展的决定性力量。科技创新能力是国家竞争力的核心,而人才资源是提高科技创新能力的关键,作为人才资源储备力量的大学生是科技创新的未来和希望。高等院校在培养科技创新人才,提高国家的科技创新能力上肩负着重要的责任。因此,对如何提高大学生科技创新能力,教育界、和科学界都非常重视,做了大量的研究,提出了许多观点。然而,大学生科技创新与自身的心理素质状况密不可分,本文选题立足于当前现状,深入研究大学生心理素质对科技创新的影响,进一步探讨提高大学生科技创新方法和途径。 本文从界定科技创新及心理素质的概念入手,针对在校大学生进行了心理素质方面的调查问卷,分析出大学生科技创新心理素质存在的问题及成因,提出了具有针对性的大学生科技创新心理素质的对策。
[Abstract]:The progress of science and technology is the decisive force of national power competition and economic and social development. The ability of scientific and technological innovation is the core of national competitiveness, and the talent resource is the key to improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. College students, as the reserve of human resources, are the future and hope of scientific and technological innovation. Institutions of higher learning shoulder important responsibilities in training scientific and technological innovation talents and improving national scientific and technological innovation ability. Therefore, great attention has been paid to how to improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of college students, and a lot of research has been done and many viewpoints have been put forward. However, the scientific and technological innovation of college students is closely related to their psychological quality. This paper bases on the present situation, deeply studies the influence of college students' psychological quality on the scientific and technological innovation, and further discusses the methods and ways to improve the scientific and technological innovation of college students. Starting with the definition of the concepts of scientific and technological innovation and psychological quality, this paper makes a questionnaire on the psychological quality of college students, and analyzes the problems and causes of the psychological quality of college students' scientific and technological innovation. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of the psychological quality of college students' scientific and technological innovation.


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