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发布时间:2018-06-20 17:40

  本文选题:高校留学生思想教育 + 现状 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着改革开放的深化发展,我国与世界各国的交往也日益密切和深化,综合国力得到了极大的提升,我国在国际上的影响力也越来越大,导致近些年来我国留学的学生人数呈现持续增长的良好趋势,留学生群体的扩张也为我国高校的留学生工作提出了难题。为了确保留学生在我国的学习和生活健康有序,提高我国留学生教育的层次和质量,高校必须开展系统化的留学生思想教育工作。另一方面,我国高校留学生思想教育起步较晚,体系还不健全。因此,要对留学生进行系统化的思想教育,必须在总结经验的基础上,进行有针对性的思想教育工作。 本文通过对我国高校留学生思想教育现状的考察,总结我国高校留学生思想教育存在的问题,并以此为基础有针对性的提出加强我国高校留学生的思想教育工作的措施。文章的绪论对选题的缘由、国内外研究现状以及选题的创新点进行了论述,并对选题涉及的相关的概念进行了界定。文章的第一章介绍了我国高校留学生思想教育有助于实现我国建立留学生强国的目标、有助于营造和谐美好的社会环境和校园环境、有助于完善留学生教育和管理、有助于提升留学生的综合素质等意义,及应对留学生开展心理适应上的辅导、法制教育、文化素质教育、团结友好教育和中国国情教育的主要内容,为全文提供基础知识的铺垫。文章的第二章集中分析了高校留学生的基本情况以及留学生的学习、生活、思想方面的现状及辅导员对留学生思想教育的作用。文章的第三章则是在第二章的基础上,总结出了高校留学生思想教育中存在的认识高度不够、教育体制不够健全、教学方法不够科学、教育管理不够规范以及跨文化教育经验不足等问题,并针对这些问题从留学生自身、辅导员及教师方面和学校、社会、政策方面进行了原因分析。文章的第四章结合实践,提出了加强我国高校留学生的思想教育工作的措施,即将高校留学生的思想教育渗透到留学生教学和管理的各个方面,并利用现代化渠道、充分发挥校园多元文化对留学生思想教育的潜在作用。文章的第五章则着重强调了高校留学生思想教育工作中应该注意的问题,以期能够顺利的开展留学生思想教育工作。通过本文的研究,希望能够对加强我国高校留学生思想教育工作有所帮助。
[Abstract]:With the deepening development of reform and opening up, China's contacts with other countries in the world have become closer and deeper, the overall national strength has been greatly improved, and our country's influence in the international arena has also been growing. In recent years, the number of students studying abroad in our country has shown a good trend of continuous growth, and the expansion of the group of international students has also posed a difficult problem for the work of foreign students in Chinese universities. In order to ensure the healthy and orderly study and life of foreign students in our country and improve the level and quality of foreign students' education in our country, colleges and universities must carry out systematic ideological education for foreign students. On the other hand, the ideological education of foreign students starts late and the system is not perfect. Therefore, in order to carry on the systematic ideological education to the foreign students, we must carry on the targeted ideological education work on the basis of summing up the experience. Based on the investigation of the present situation of the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities in China, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities in China, and puts forward some measures to strengthen the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities of our country. The introduction of the article discusses the reason of the topic, the current situation of domestic and foreign research and the innovation of the topic, and defines the related concepts involved in the topic. The first chapter introduces that the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities in China is helpful to realize the goal of establishing a powerful country for foreign students, to create a harmonious and beautiful social environment and campus environment, and to perfect the education and management of foreign students. It will help to enhance the comprehensive quality of international students and the main contents of psychological adaptation guidance, legal education, cultural quality education, solidarity and friendship education and China's national conditions education for foreign students. For the full text provides the foundation of knowledge. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the basic situation of foreign students in colleges and universities, the current situation of their study, life and ideology, and the role of counselors in the ideological education of foreign students. The third chapter of the article is based on the second chapter, summed up that the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities is not high enough, the education system is not perfect, the teaching methods are not scientific enough. The problems such as inadequate educational management and lack of cross-cultural education experience are analyzed from the aspects of foreign students themselves, counselors and teachers, schools, society and policies. In the fourth chapter, combining with practice, the author puts forward some measures to strengthen the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities in our country, that is, the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities permeates all aspects of the teaching and management of foreign students, and makes use of the modernized channels. Give full play to the potential role of campus multiculturalism in the ideological education of foreign students. The fifth chapter emphasizes the problems that should be paid attention to in the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities in order to carry out the ideological education of foreign students smoothly. Through the research of this paper, I hope it can help to strengthen the ideological education of foreign students in colleges and universities of our country.


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