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发布时间:2018-06-20 23:16

  本文选题:大学生 + 公民道德教育 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:公民的社会道德水准是衡量一个国家和社会精神文明程度的一个重要组成部分,大学生是民族的希望,他们的道德水平在很大程度上决定着未来社会公民道德水平的高低。社会上道德失范现象的屡屡发生,对大学生的公民道德素养敲响了警钟,,因此,加强大学生的公民道德建设,成为义不容辞的责任。目前,我国高校的道德教育主要包括两种基本方法:一是理论灌输法,即教育者直接向教育对象讲授和灌输社会道德价值思想;二是养成教育法,即通过各种实践活动使教育对象的道德价值观念固化,并逐步养成良好的道德行为习惯。在我国传统的大学道德教育环境下,有一个很严重的误区,就是认为把道德的价值及概念讲给受教育者,受教育者就会形成相应的道德品格。这种思想把道德的“教养”和“教育”割裂开来,致使大学道德教育缺乏针对性和实效性,甚至造成有的大学培养出道德人格扭曲的大学生,因而,研究大学生公民道德教育方法的创新问题迫在眉睫。 本文在以往文献的基础上,研究了大学生公民道德教育的重要性,大学生公民道德教育方法创新的紧迫性,以及大学生公民道德教育方法面临的新挑战,查阅了国内外大学生的公民道德教育方法的发展历程和常见问题,分析出大学生公民道德教育方法创新应遵循的基本原则以及创新大学生公民道德教育的主要方法。 本文得到的研究结论如下:(1)中外大学生公民道德教育方法的共性有都重视道德教育实践,提供教育对象适当的实践空间;都注重运用现代手段于道德教育中,增强道德教育的实际功能。中外大学生公民道德教育方法的差异有道德教育主导方法和课程设置的差异。(2)大学生公民道德教育方法创新应遵循的基本原则有:注重人文关怀,发挥学生的主体性;重视间接影响,强调教学的渗透性;增强文化建设,构建文化的熏陶性;加强志愿服务,关注学生的实践性;完善心理疏导,拓展教育的空间性;借鉴成功经验,提高教育的时效性。(3)创新大学生公民道德教育方法的措施主要包括以下几个方面:从大学生自身看,要坚持知行统一的修身原则;从高校角度来看,要建立齐抓共管的综合实施机制;从整个社会的角度看,要创造良好的外部引导环境。
[Abstract]:The social moral level of citizens is an important component to measure the level of spiritual civilization in a country and society. College students are the hope of the nation, and their moral level largely determines the level of civil morality in the future. The frequent occurrence of the phenomenon of moral anomie in the society has sounded the alarm bell to the citizen's moral accomplishment of the university students. Therefore, it is an unshirkable responsibility to strengthen the construction of the citizen's morality of the university students. At present, moral education in colleges and universities in our country mainly includes two basic methods: one is theoretical indoctrination, that is, educators directly teach and instill social moral values to educational objects, the other is the cultivation of education law, Through various practical activities, the moral values of educational objects are solidified, and good habits of moral behavior are gradually formed. In the traditional university moral education environment of our country, there is a very serious misunderstanding, that is, the educatee will form the corresponding moral character if the value and concept of morality are given to the educatee. This kind of thought separates moral "upbringing" from "education", which leads to the lack of pertinence and effectiveness of moral education in universities, and even causes some universities to cultivate college students with distorted moral personality. It is urgent to study the innovative methods of civic moral education for college students. On the basis of previous literature, this paper studies the importance of civic moral education of college students, the urgency of the innovation of civic moral education methods of college students, and the new challenges faced by the methods of civic moral education of college students. The development course and common problems of civic moral education methods of college students at home and abroad are reviewed, and the basic principles to be followed in the innovation of civic moral education methods for college students and the main methods to innovate citizen moral education for college students are analyzed. The research conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the common features of the methods of civic moral education of college students both at home and abroad are to attach importance to the practice of moral education, to provide appropriate practical space for the object of education, and to pay attention to the use of modern means in moral education. Strengthen the actual function of moral education. The differences between Chinese and foreign university students' civic moral education methods have the differences of moral education leading methods and curriculum. 2) the basic principles of the innovation of college students' civic moral education methods are: paying attention to humanistic care and giving play to students' subjectivity; Pay attention to indirect influence, emphasize the permeability of teaching, strengthen cultural construction, construct cultural edification, strengthen voluntary service, pay attention to students' practicality, perfect psychological guidance, expand the space of education, learn from successful experience, The measures to improve the effectiveness of education include the following aspects: from the perspective of college students, we should adhere to the principle of unity of knowledge and practice, and from the point of view of higher education, It is necessary to establish a comprehensive implementation mechanism and create a good external guidance environment from the point of view of the whole society.


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