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发布时间:2018-06-21 01:14

  本文选题:大学生 + 网络 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当代社会是一个压力递增的社会,虽然物质生活在不断地丰富,但是人们的情绪却在不断地受到压抑。尤其是青年大学生,他们在承受着学习、就业、交际、恋爱等重大压力的同时,还承受着家庭和社会对他们的厚重期望,因而特别容易产生压抑、焦虑、失望、恐惧、愤懑等不良情绪,有的可能演变成不同程度的心理疾患,以至于无法做出正确的选择和言行,一再酿成校园悲剧。 中共中央国务院在《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》中强调:“要开展深入细致的思想政治工作和心理健康教育,有针对性地帮助大学生处理好学习成才、择业交友、健康生活等方面的具体问题,提高思想认识和精神境界。”当消极情绪越来越多地影响着大学生的心理健康和正常的学习生活时,他们迫切需要通过一定的方式宣泄不满和寻找慰藉。互联网以其虚拟性、自由性、便捷性、匿名性等优势,使得大学生得以在虚拟的网络世界中尽情宣泄自己的不良情绪,互联网也因此成为许多大学生躲避孤独和排解心理压力的主要场所。但是由于种种原因,大学生在互联网上的情绪情感的宣泄行为也产生了不少负面问题,需要政府、高校、网站管理者等加以适当引导。 本文遵循“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”的思路,分三大部分循序渐进来阐述的。首先对大学生之所以需要且能够进行网络情绪宣泄的必要性和可行性加以分析,以此来说明本选题研究的重要性;其次,是对当代大学生网络情绪宣泄的总体特征、存在的问题及原因进行分析,旨在充分了解大学生网络情绪宣泄的状况并找到问题的症结所在;最后,对如何引导大学生网络情绪宣泄的论述。 第一部分,是关于大学生网络情绪宣泄的必要性和可能性分析。大学生由于社会、学校、家庭、个人等方面的原因承受巨大压力,迫切需要情绪宣泄。网络以其匿名性、平等性、自由性、实时性、互动性等优势为大学生进行情绪宣泄提供了可能。这个篇章的论述为本文后来的研究提供了必要的支持,是本文的研究起点。 第二部分,本文的难点——大学生网络情绪宣泄的总体特征、问题及原因分析。大学生网络情绪宣泄是指大学生通过网络来释放心中的压力和心理上积蓄的侵犯性能量,是大学生抑郁不平的情绪在网络中的抒发和宣泄。大学生网络情绪宣泄的具体内容可概括为四种:社会问题方面的情绪宣泄、民族主义方面的情绪宣泄、学习生活相关的情绪宣泄、社交和情感挫折方面的情绪宣泄。大学生网络情绪宣泄的方式主要有:即时通讯聊天、发表网络日志及微博、网络游戏、网络论坛等。大学生自身的特殊性和网络传播的特点使得大学生网络情绪宣泄出现了网络恶搞、网络谣言、网络谩骂等问题。产生这些问题主要是由大学生自身信息素养和自律意识的缺乏、网站经营管理者社会责任的缺失、高校对大学生网络道德教育的缺席以及现有法律在网络空间的效力被弱化的原因造成的。 第三部分,本文的重点和核心——大学生网络情绪宣泄的引导对策。任何行为都是相对自由的,不可能实现绝对自由,因为任何泛滥的行为都会对主客体世界造成伤害。参照大学生网络情绪宣泄中尚且存在的问题及原因分析,我们不难得出:大学生在互联网上进行情绪宣泄时,既要大学生自身自觉遵循相应的规范或原则,还需要政府、高校、网站经营管理者对其进行适当引导。这一部分正是从政府、高校、网站经营管理者以及大学生自身为切入点分别进行分析研究的。
[Abstract]:The contemporary society is a society with increasing pressure, although the material life is constantly enriched, but the people's emotions are constantly repressed. Especially the young students, who bear the great pressure of learning, employment, communication, love and so on, also bear the heavy expectations of the family and the society, and are especially easy to produce. Students in depression, anxiety, frustration, fear, anger and other negative emotions, some may evolve into different degrees of psychological disorders, it is difficult to make the right choice of words and deeds, repeatedly into campus tragedy.
The State Council of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China, in the comments on Further Strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students, stressed that "to carry out deep and meticulous ideological and political work and mental health education, and to help college students to deal with the specific problems of learning success, career making friends, healthy life and so on, improve ideological understanding and refinement." When negative emotions are more and more affecting the mental health and normal learning life of college students, they urgently need to vent their discontent and find comfort through a certain way. The Internet has the advantages of its virtuality, freedom, convenience and anonymity, so that the students are able to express themselves in the virtual network world. The Internet has become the main place for many college students to avoid loneliness and psychological pressure. However, due to various reasons, the emotional emotion of college students on the Internet has also produced a lot of negative problems, which need the proper guidance of the government, universities and website managers.
This article follows the idea of "putting forward questions - analyzing problems - solving problems", which is divided into three parts. First, it analyzes the necessity and feasibility of College Students' need and ability to conduct network emotional catharsis to illustrate the importance of this study. Secondly, it is the network emotion of Contemporary College Students. The general characteristics of catharsis, analyze the existing problems and the reasons, to fully understand the status of College Students Network catharsis and find the crux of the problem; finally, to guide students on how to network catharsis is discussed.
The first part is about the necessity and possibility analysis of College Students' network emotion catharsis. College students are under great pressure due to the social, school, family, personal and other reasons. The network provides the possibility of emotional catharsis for college students with the advantages of anonymity, equality, freedom, real time, and interaction. The discussion of this chapter provides the necessary support for subsequent research in this paper, and is the starting point of this study.
The second part, the difficulty of this article - the overall characteristics, problems and reasons of College Students' network emotion catharsis. The network emotion catharsis of college students refers to the psychological pressure and psychological accumulation of aggressive energy by college students. It is the expression and catharsis of College Students' depressed mood in the network. The specific content of catharsis can be summed up in four categories: emotional catharsis in social issues, emotional catharsis in nationalism, emotional catharsis of learning and life, and emotional frustration in social and emotional frustration. The main ways for college students to vent their emotions are: instant messaging chat, publication of Web logs and micro-blog, online games, networks The characteristics of the university students themselves and the characteristics of the network communication make the network moods of college students appear the problems of Network KUSO, network rumor, and network abuse. These problems are mainly caused by the lack of information literacy and self-discipline consciousness of college students, the lack of social responsibility of the website managers, and the university students to college students The absence of network moral education and the weakening of the effectiveness of the existing laws in cyberspace.
The third part, the key and the core of this article - the guidance of College Students' network emotion catharsis. Any behavior is relatively free and impossible to achieve absolute freedom, because any overflowing behavior will cause harm to the host and guest world. It is concluded that college students should not only consciously follow the corresponding norms or principles on the Internet, but also need the government, universities and website managers to guide them properly. This part is just from the government, universities, website managers and college students themselves as the breakthrough point.


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