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发布时间:2018-06-21 09:26

  本文选题:高师院校 + “整合连贯型”教师 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国新一轮基础教育课程改革已在全国范围内全面推广,它对高等师范教育的冲击和挑战是前所未有的,它直接带来的一个亟待解决的问题,就是基础教育对师资质量提出了更高的要求。新课改实施后,各科、各年级之间课程隐性的联系更强,这就要求教师能够从整体上对课程进行把握,不仅传授某一学科,某一年级的知识,更重要的是要对整个基础教育阶段的课程有整体观,能够帮助学生构建紧密相连的稳固的知识结构体系。笔者认为“整合连贯型”教师是能适应基础教育需要的新型师资。“整合连贯型”的教师既有深厚扎实的专业知识底蕴,又能对连贯性教育实践技能的掌握,还具备基础教育的整体观,能够站在宏观的角度对教育教学活动进行把握,是专业性非常强的高质量师资。然而纵观我国高等师范院校培养现状,可以看到在师资培养上仍存在各种弊端,德国、美国等国家在教师培养方面的经验,可以借鉴以完善我国“整合连贯型”教师的培养。 本文运用了文献法和比较法等研究方法,搜集查阅了大量国内外教师培养方面的文献,借鉴了国内现有的关于“整合连贯型”教师培养的研究成果,并结合美国、德国在教师培养方面的有益经验——美国将“微格教学”应用于师范生的培养,德国“4.2.2”式教师资格认证制度等,提出我国高师院校培养“整合连贯型”教师的对策:针对“整合连贯型”教师的内涵制定明确的培养目标;严格教师资格认证标准,用分级化教师资格证书取代终身制教师资格证书;优化课程设置,增加基础教育理论与实践课的比重;重视科研能力的培养。高师院校应多管齐下培养“整合连贯型”教师。
[Abstract]:The new round of basic education curriculum reform in our country has been popularized all over the country, and its impact and challenge to higher normal education is unprecedented, which directly brings an urgent problem to be solved. That is, basic education has put forward higher requirements for the quality of teachers. After the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the recessive connection between the various subjects and grades is stronger, which requires teachers to be able to grasp the curriculum as a whole, not only to impart the knowledge of a certain subject, but also to a certain grade. What is more important is to have a holistic view of the curriculum of the whole basic education stage, which can help students to build a solid knowledge structure system which is closely connected with each other. The author believes that "integrated and coherent" teachers are new teachers who can meet the needs of basic education. The teachers of "integration and coherence" not only have deep and solid professional knowledge, but also master the practical skills of coherent education, and also have the holistic view of basic education, and can grasp the educational and teaching activities from a macro perspective. Is a professional very strong high-quality teachers. However, looking at the current situation of teacher training in China, we can see that there are still various drawbacks in teacher training. The experiences of Germany, America and other countries in teacher training can be used for reference to improve the training of "integrated and coherent" teachers in our country. This paper uses literature and comparative methods to collect and consult a large number of literature on teacher training at home and abroad, and draws lessons from existing domestic research results on "integrated and coherent" teacher training, and combines with the United States. Germany's beneficial experience in teacher training-the United States applies "microteaching" to the training of teachers' students, and Germany's "4.2.2" system of teacher qualification certification, and so on. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of cultivating "integrated and coherent" teachers in normal colleges and universities of our country: to formulate clear training objectives for the connotation of "integrated and coherent" teachers, to strictly enforce the standards of teacher qualification certification, To replace the lifelong teacher qualification certificate with graded teacher qualification certificate, to optimize the curriculum setting, to increase the proportion of basic education theory and practice courses, and to attach importance to the cultivation of scientific research ability. Teachers colleges and universities should train "integrated and coherent" teachers in a multi-pronged manner.


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