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发布时间:2018-06-21 19:06

  本文选题:大学生社团 + 教育功能 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生社团是高等教育历史发展的必然结果,作为高校校园一道亮丽的风景线,社团承载着独特的教育功能,具有其他学生组织不可替代的作用。将教育内容寓于社团的实践活动,并通过活动发挥团体教育和实践教育功能是大学生社团的一大特色,正是由于这种体现和融合大学生主体性和自主性的独特教育功能,国家和高校越来越多的关注大学生社团的教育功能。但是目前的社团理论研究从社团管理角度研究的多,从教育角度研究社团的少。鉴于此,笔者作为一名学教育学的研究生,将大学生社团教育功能及其优化策略作为论文选题,希望能对大学生社团教育功能更为健康和充分的发展以及对借助和受惠于社团教育功能而成长的大学生们能够在社团的活动中收获更多更好的教育做出一点贡献。 本研究共分为六部分: 第一部分:导论。阐述选题缘由与意义,研究目的,核心概念,对国内外相关研究进行梳理和总结,分析研究的内容,研究的理论基础,研究方法,以及研究的重难点和创新点。 第二部分:论述大学生社团的教育功能与大学生发展的关系,阐述课堂教育这个第一课堂与社团作为第二课堂的相辅相成的关系,以及社团与大学生发展的关系。 第三部分:用调查的方式发现影响社团教育功能发挥不良的问题。 第四部分:探寻社团教育功能发挥不良问题的原因。 第五部分:提出优化社团的教育功能的可行性,建设性对策。 结语部分:总结自己研究的不足和研究空间。
[Abstract]:The university student association is the inevitable result of the history development of higher education. As a beautiful landscape of the university campus, the association bears the unique educational function and has the irreplaceable role of other student organizations. It is one of the characteristics of college students' associations that the content of education is embodied in the practical activities of the mass organizations, and the functions of group education and practical education are brought into play through the activities. It is precisely because of this unique educational function that embodies and integrates the subjectivity and autonomy of college students. The country and the university pay more and more attention to the educational function of the university student association. However, the current study of community theory is more from the perspective of community management and less from the perspective of education. In view of this, the author, as a graduate student of pedagogy, chooses the educational function of college students' association and its optimization strategy as the topic of the thesis. It is hoped that it can make a little contribution to the healthy and full development of the educational function of college students and to the students who grow up with and benefit from the educational function of the community and can gain more and better education in the activities of the community. This research is divided into six parts: the first part: introduction. This paper expounds the reason and significance of the topic, the purpose of the research, the core concept, combs and summarizes the related studies at home and abroad, analyzes the contents of the research, the theoretical basis of the research, the research methods, and the important difficulties and innovative points of the research. The second part discusses the relationship between the educational function of college students' association and the development of college students, and expounds the complementary relationship between classroom education, the first classroom and the association as the second classroom, and the relationship between the community and the development of college students. The third part: using the investigation to find out the problems that affect the educational function of the community. The fourth part: to explore the causes of the bad function of community education. The fifth part: put forward the feasibility of optimizing the educational function of the community, constructive countermeasures. Conclusion: summarize the deficiency and research space of my own research.


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