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发布时间:2018-06-23 06:03

  本文选题:大学生 + 生命意义感 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生命的话题,从古至今都是人们不断研究和探索的领域。由于生命的短暂,怎样才能够在短暂的生命里,获得最强烈的生命意义感,是思想政治教育工作者一直努力探索的课题方向。现在的社会是一个经济不断发展,科技日新月异的社会,然而与高度发达的物质社会相对的是,人们的精神世界并没有与时俱进。大学阶段对每一个即将步入社会的个体来说都是一个重要时期,对价值观,,人生观的形成有着重要的影响。当代大学生心理压力较大、心智发育不够健全、更易感受到生活中的种种困难与挫折。因此,如何引导他们正确认识生命的本质、追寻生命的价值,提升生活的品质,确立正确、积极向上的生命价值观有着重要的意义。同时,探索和研究生命意义感和心理健康的关系,对了解生命意义感缺失的原因和开展有效的生命意义教育有重要的意义。 本研究以290名大学生为对象进行了生命意义感调查和心理健康状况的调查,结果显示: (1)大学生的生命意义感从总体上处于不明确的状态,需要进一步加强。同时,大学生的生命意义感在性别、年级、家庭居住地等变量上无显著差异,但在学习压力、对就业前景的预期、人际关系状态、家庭经济条件、父母期望与自身能力的相符程度等变量上存在显著差异,学习压力适中,对就业前景持乐观态度,人际关系处理得当,家庭经济条件好,父母期望与自身能力相符的大学生生命意义感更强。 (2)大学生的心理健康总体状况良好,在性别变量上,恐怖性因子存在着男女差异,女生普遍比男生容易感到害怕;家庭经济条件变量上,强迫症和人际关系敏感因子上存在显著差异,表现为家庭经济条件很差的大学生有着较为明显的强迫症状和人际关系敏感症状;学习压力变量上,敌对、人际关系敏感、偏执、恐惧、焦虑等因子上都存在显著差异,表现为学习压力大的大学生在这些方面有着更明显的症状。 (3)大学生生命意义感与心理健康呈极显著负相关,生活态度、生活目标、生活价值、生活自主及生命意义量表总分与躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁等症状自评量表各个因子及总分均呈明显的负相关。症状自评量表得分越低,生命意义感越高。 根据以上调查分析结果,本研究提出了提升大学生生命意义感和心理健康水平的建议:(1)加强大学生生命意义感教育,提升心理健康水平。(2)加强对大学生的就业心理指导,提升生命意义感和心理健康水平。(3)重视对大学生人际关系的辅导,提升大 学生生命意义感和心理健康水平。(4)学会自我调适,减轻自我压力以提升生命意义感和心理健康水平。(5)重视家庭在大学生生命意义感培养和心理健康水平提升中的作用。
[Abstract]:The topic of life has been studied and explored by people since ancient times. Because of the brevity of life, how to obtain the strongest sense of meaning in the short life is the subject that ideological and political educators have been trying to explore. Today's society is a society with continuous development of economy and rapid development of science and technology. However, compared with the highly developed material society, people's spiritual world has not kept pace with the times. The university stage is an important period for every individual who is about to enter the society and has an important influence on the formation of values and outlook on life. Contemporary college students are under great psychological pressure, their mental development is not sound enough, and they are more likely to feel all kinds of difficulties and setbacks in their lives. Therefore, how to guide them to correctly understand the essence of life, to pursue the value of life, to improve the quality of life, and to establish correct and positive values of life are of great significance. At the same time, it is of great significance to explore and study the relationship between the sense of meaning of life and mental health, to understand the reasons for the loss of sense of meaning of life and to carry out effective education of meaning of life. In this study, 290 college students were investigated for the sense of life and mental health. The results showed that: (1) the sense of life of college students is in a state of uncertainty, which needs to be further strengthened. At the same time, there was no significant difference in the sense of life significance between college students in terms of gender, grade, family residence and other variables, but in terms of learning pressure, expectation of employment prospects, interpersonal status, family economic conditions, etc. There are significant differences between parents' expectations and their abilities, such as moderate learning pressure, optimistic attitude towards employment prospects, proper interpersonal relationships, good family economic conditions, and so on. (2) College students' mental health is in good condition. In terms of gender variables, there is a difference between male and female in phobic factors, girls are generally more afraid than boys; In the variables of family economic condition, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and interpersonal sensitivity factors have significant differences, which are manifested by the obvious obsessive-compulsive symptoms and interpersonal sensitivities of college students with poor family economic conditions, and hostility in learning stress variables. There were significant differences in interpersonal sensitivity, paranoia, fear, anxiety, etc. Students with high learning pressure have more obvious symptoms in these aspects. (3) College students' sense of life significance and mental health are significantly negative correlation, life attitude, life goals, life value, The total scores of life autonomy and life significance scale were negatively correlated with somatization, compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression and so on. The lower the score of symptom checklist, the higher the sense of meaning of life. According to the results of the investigation and analysis above, this study puts forward some suggestions to improve the sense of life meaning and the level of mental health of college students: (1) to strengthen the education of life sense of college students, and (2) to strengthen the psychological guidance for college students' employment. Improve the sense of meaning of life and the level of mental health. (3) attach importance to the interpersonal relationship of college students, improve the sense of meaning of life and the level of mental health of university students. (4) learn to adjust themselves, (5) pay attention to the role of family in the cultivation of college students' sense of life meaning and the improvement of their mental health level.


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