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发布时间:2018-06-24 14:30

  本文选题:工程伦理 + 工程伦理失范 ; 参考:《湖南工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing trend of globalization, modern engineering activities play an important role in the development of society. A powerful lever for economic development and social progress; on the one hand, engineering activities have brought great convenience, comfort and comfort to mankind, which have changed the material living conditions and way of life of mankind; on the other hand, It also greatly destroys the living environment of human beings and even threatens the survival and development of human beings. As a result, the phenomenon of engineering ethics anomie in engineering activities gradually emerges. In engineering design, implementation and decision-making, engineering technicians are required not only to have professional knowledge, but also to examine whether the engineering project has a light or heavy impact on the environment and society of human existence from the point of view of engineering ethics. The education of engineering ethics is based on making students set up such ethical consciousness, understanding the essence of engineering is to benefit mankind, and engineering to benefit mankind should be the primary purpose of all engineering activities. The education of engineering ethics and the teaching of professional knowledge in science and engineering schools are related to each other, which is helpful for the educatees to form a correct outlook on life, values, and cultivate their good engineering moral accomplishment. Technical knowledge of engineering specialty plays a promoting role to ethics and morality, and ethics makes technical knowledge of engineering specialty get correct application. Engineering ethics is a kind of external control means of engineering technology. It is internalized as the internal restraint force of engineers in engineering activities. Engineers and technicians should be able to deal with engineering and people correctly when they use their own professional technology. The ethical problems between engineering and society and between engineering and environment can reduce the negative effects of engineering activities on human life, so that public health, safety and well-being can be put first. Therefore, carrying out engineering ethics education in universities is an important means to improve the moral quality of future engineers and technicians, ensure engineering quality and construction, and is an important way to curb engineering ethics anomie.


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