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发布时间:2018-06-24 22:42

  本文选题:高校 + 科研团队 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:高校科研团队作为国家科技创新体系中的重要组成部分,提升其核心能力策略已经成为建设国家科技创新体系的重要举措。探索如何提升高校科研团队的核心能力,对于提高研究生的创新能力,为企业和科研机构培养创新人才,提高我国的创新水平都具有重要的现实意义。而高校科研团队的核心能力受到诸多因素的影响,正视这些因素并且有效的利用,则有助于提升其核心能力,反之,则会抑制科研团队核心能力的发挥。前人的研究主要是侧重于团队核心能力中的创新能力影响因素,并且局限于用思辨或案例来进行研究,基于此,本文尝试从实证角度来探讨科研团队核心能力的影响因素,以揭示科研团队核心能力提升的内在规律,进而为提出有利于高校科研团队核心能力提升的策略提供支撑。 本文以高校科研团队为研究对象,将高校科研团队核心能力划分为三个维度:资源层面、能力层面、文化层面。并在文献回顾的基础上,从团队领导、团队结构、协作程度、团队运作、环境条件五个方面提出了高校科研团队核心能力的影响因素的概念模型,并通过对225个高校科研团队的问卷调查,进行结构方程模型分析,实证研究了上述五个因子对高校科研团队核心能力各维度的影响作用。结果如下: (1)团队领导、团队运作和环境条件三个因素对高校科研团队核心能力具有显著的正向影响,而团队结构与协作程度则对团队核心能力没有显著影响 (2)具体来说,在资源层面,团队领导、团队结构和团队运作三个因素对高校科研团队核心能力具有显著的影响;在能力层面,团队领导、环境条件和团队运作三个因素对高校科研团队核心能力具有显著影响;在文化层面,团队领导、环境条件和团队运作三个因素对高校科研团队核心能力具有显著影响。 (3)团队领导和环境条件还通过团队运作的中介作用影响高校科研团队核心能力,并且不同影响因素的中介传导机制也有所不同。其中团队领导通过团队运作的部分中介作用对团队创造力产生影响,而环境条件则为完全中介作用。
[Abstract]:Abstract: as an important part of the national science and technology innovation system, the strategy of improving the core competence of the university scientific research team has become an important measure to build the national science and technology innovation system. Exploring how to improve the core competence of scientific research team in colleges and universities is of great practical significance for improving the innovation ability of graduate students, cultivating innovative talents for enterprises and scientific research institutions, and improving the level of innovation in our country. The core competence of the scientific research team in colleges and universities is affected by many factors. Facing these factors and making effective use of these factors will help to improve the core competence of the research team, otherwise, it will inhibit the development of the core competence of the research team. Previous researches mainly focus on the factors of innovation ability in the core competence of the team, and are limited to the research with speculative or case studies. Based on this, this paper attempts to explore the influencing factors of the core competence of the research team from the perspective of empirical research. In order to reveal the inherent law of the core competence of scientific research team, and then provide the support for the strategy of promoting the core competence of the scientific research team in colleges and universities. In this paper, the core competence of university scientific research team is divided into three dimensions: resource level, ability level and culture level. On the basis of literature review, this paper puts forward the conceptual model of influencing factors of core competence of scientific research team in colleges and universities from five aspects: team leadership, team structure, cooperation degree, team operation and environmental conditions. Through the questionnaire survey of 225 scientific research teams in colleges and universities and the structural equation model analysis, this paper empirically studies the effects of the above five factors on each dimension of the core competence of the scientific research teams in colleges and universities. The results are as follows: (1) the three factors of team leadership, team operation and environmental conditions have significant positive effects on the core competence of scientific research teams in colleges and universities. However, team structure and degree of collaboration have no significant impact on team core competence (2) specifically, team leadership at the resource level, Three factors, team structure and team operation, have significant influence on the core competence of scientific research team in colleges and universities, and have significant influence on the core competence of scientific research team in colleges and universities in terms of competence, team leadership, environmental conditions and team operation. At the cultural level, team leadership, Environmental conditions and team operation have significant effects on the core competence of university scientific research team. (3) team leadership and environmental conditions also affect the core competence of university scientific research team through the intermediary role of team operation. And different factors of the intermediary transmission mechanism is also different. Team leaders influence team creativity through some mediations of team operation, while environmental conditions are full mediators.


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