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发布时间:2018-06-26 01:48

  本文选题:高校 + 科学历史观教育 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:科学历史观是马克思主义哲学的重要组成部分,是马克思和恩格斯所创立的关于人类社会发展普遍规律的科学,也是新世纪我国为全面建设小康社会和实现中国特色社会主义道路所必须坚持的重要的指导思想。随着我国高等教育的逐步普及和当代西方文化思潮的纷繁涌现,年轻的莘莘学子如何在这开放的信息时代去伪存真,接受正确的科学的指导思想也成为了当今社会普遍关注的问题。因此,高校思想政治理论课面临了新的挑战,高校对学生科学历史观教育的重视程度也被提到了前所未有的高度,如何开展科学历史观教育,以帮助高校学生树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观成为当前高校亟须解决的一个理论和实践问题。 本文从科学历史观的涵义和价值入手,在梳理当前学术界有关高校学生科学历史观教育的研究成果基础上,借鉴前辈学者们的研究成果和方法,开展当前高校学生科学历史观教育现状和对策研究。本文分四个部分,第一部分为绪论,介绍本研究的选题原因、研究现状和研究宗旨、意义;第二部分,在讨论新中国开展科学历史观教育教育必要性的基础上,回顾建国以来高校学生科学历史观教育的历程,总结科学历史观教育的历史经验。第三部分在开展相关调查的基础上,探讨当前科学历史观教育存在的问题,并分析问题产生的原因。第四部分提出改善和加强高校科学历史观教育的若干对策和建议。本文的特色是在社会调查的基础上分析当前我国高校学生科学历史观教育现状和问题,并且提出相应的对策。科学历史观教育对于当前壮大我国社会主义主流意识形态,,加强我国意识形态安全建设具有重大的现实意义。而高校学生科学历史观教育在中国社会的科学历史观教育中又具有基础、示范、引领的作用。相信此项研究将会成为此后科学历史观教育系列研究的开端。文章从科学历史观在新中国建立的依据及坚持科学历史观的必要性出发,并对新中国成立以来高校科学历史观教育的历史作简要梳理。通过研究高校学生科学历史观教育的教学环境和制度体系,有针对性地制定出相应的问卷调查以了解当前我国高校学生科学历史观教育的现状,并以问卷调查的统计结果为线索,找出当前我国高校科学历史观教育存在的问题,分析产生问题的原因,从而总结出当前我国高校学生科学历史观教育的成绩,通过找出当前我国高校科学历史观教育的不足,制定出相应的对策并结合自己的研究观点提出些许建议。
[Abstract]:The view of scientific history is an important part of Marxist philosophy and the science of the universal law of the development of human society founded by Marx and Engels. It is also an important guiding ideology that our country must adhere to in order to build a well-off society in an all-round way and realize the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century. With the gradual popularization of higher education in our country and the proliferation of contemporary Western cultural trends, how can young students identify false things and retain the real things in this open information age? To accept the correct scientific guiding ideology has also become a common concern of the society today. Therefore, the course of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities is facing new challenges, and the degree of attention paid to the education of students' view of science and history has also been raised to an unprecedented height. How to carry out the education of scientific view of history, In order to help college students set up correct outlook on life, world outlook and values, it is an urgent theoretical and practical problem that colleges and universities should solve. This paper begins with the meaning and value of the concept of scientific history, and on the basis of combing the research results of the current academic circles on the education of the view of scientific history of college students, draws on the research achievements and methods of the predecessors. The present situation and countermeasures of college students' scientific historical view education should be carried out. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, which introduces the reason, the present situation, the purpose and the significance of the research; the second part, on the basis of discussing the necessity of carrying out the education of the scientific view of history in New China. This paper reviews the history of college students' view of scientific history since the founding of the people's Republic of China, and summarizes the historical experience of the education of scientific view of history. In the third part, on the basis of the related investigation, the author discusses the problems existing in the current education of scientific view of history, and analyzes the causes of the problems. The fourth part puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve and strengthen the education of the view of science and history in colleges and universities. On the basis of social investigation, this paper analyzes the present situation and problems in the education of students' view of science history in colleges and universities in our country, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures. The education of scientific view of history is of great practical significance for strengthening the mainstream ideology of socialism and strengthening the construction of ideological security in our country. The education of college students' view of scientific history has the function of foundation, demonstration and guidance in the education of Chinese society's view of scientific history. It is believed that this study will be the beginning of a series of educational studies on the concept of science and history. Based on the basis of the establishment of the concept of scientific history in the new China and the necessity of adhering to the concept of scientific history, this paper briefly combs the history of the education of the concept of scientific history in colleges and universities since the founding of New China. By studying the teaching environment and system of college students' view of scientific history, a corresponding questionnaire survey is made in order to understand the present situation of the education of students' view of scientific history in colleges and universities in China. Taking the statistical results of the questionnaire as the clue, this paper finds out the problems existing in the education of the view of science history in colleges and universities in our country, analyzes the causes of the problems, and sums up the achievements of the education of the view of scientific history of the students in colleges and universities in our country at present. By finding out the deficiency of the present education of the view of science and history in colleges and universities in our country, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and puts forward some suggestions based on his own research point of view.


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