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发布时间:2018-06-26 05:06

  本文选题:仁爱思想 + 辅导员 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前我国正处于一个快速发展时期,随着改革开放的深入,我国在经济上取得了巨大的成就,成为当前世界上最有活力的经济体,人们的生活水平也得到了空前的提高。经济的发展要求整个社会要形成一个更先进的道德文化体系来维持和推动经济社会的持续发展,这种物质层面和文化层面的双重要求对我国当前人才输出机构的水平是一个巨大的考验。 儒家思想中的“仁爱”思想天然地契合了当前我国提出的和谐社会理念,不仅在社会伦理方面有助于我国社会道德秩序重建,更重要的是在青年人当中培养一种以仁爱为核心的新的世界观和人生观,要与人为善,创造一个我为人人,人人为我的和谐社会。作为我国最重要的社会主义建设人才的输出机构,高校在培养德才兼备人才方面担负着重要的使命。高校辅导员作为大学生日常思想政治教育的管理者和实施者,也被称为大学生在校健康发展的人生导师,对大学生的健康发展具有重要的作用,因此从一个侧面来说,高校辅导员在日常工作中领悟儒家“仁爱”思想的精髓,并借鉴和应用儒家“仁爱”思想相关理论培养大学生的健康人格和高尚道德将成为一种教育的需要,具有重要的社会意义,同时这也是我国高校辅导员队伍建设和发展的需要,是辅导员教育理论发展的需要。 本文对于儒家仁爱思想的研究主要分为四个部分,第一部分是绪论,主要探讨儒家仁爱思想在高校辅导员工作中应用的研究背景、研究意义、研究现状以及研究方法和创新点;第二部分主要从概念和基本理论方面分析仁爱思想的渊源、发展和基本内涵;第三部分分别分析和探讨了仁爱思想应用于辅导员工作的必要性和重要性;第四部分是本文的核心内容,该部分从用仁爱思想引领思想政治教育内容、用仁爱思想升华辅导员工作理念、用仁爱思想优化学生管理手段三个视角来具体分析儒家仁爱思想是如何应用于辅导员工作的。
[Abstract]:At present, China is in a period of rapid development. With the deepening of the reform and opening up, China has made great achievements in the economy and has become the most dynamic economy in the world. The living standard of people has also been improved unprecedentedly. The development of the economy requires the whole society to form a more advanced moral culture system to maintain. And to promote the sustainable development of the economy and society, the dual requirements of the material and cultural levels are a great test for the level of the current talent export institutions in China.
The thought of "benevolence" in Confucian thought naturally coincides with the concept of harmonious society put forward by our country, not only in social ethics, but also for the reconstruction of social moral order in our country. More importantly, it is more important to cultivate a new world view and outlook on life in the middle of the youth. As the most important socialist construction personnel in our country, as the most important socialist construction talent export organization, colleges and universities play an important role in cultivating talents and talents and talents. As the administrator and implementer of College Students' daily ideological and political education, college counselors are also called the healthy development of college students. The healthy development of the university has an important role. Therefore, from one side, the college counselor can comprehend the essence of the Confucian "benevolence" thought in the daily work, and draw on and apply the theory of the Confucian "benevolence" thought to cultivate the healthy personality and noble morality of the college students, which will be an educational need, and have important social significance. This is also the need for the construction and development of college counselors and the need for the development of counselors' educational theory.
The study of the Confucian benevolence thought is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction. It mainly discusses the research background, research significance, research status, research methods and innovation points of the Confucian Benevolence Thought in the work of college counselors. The second part mainly analyzes the origin of benevolence thought from the aspects of concept and basic theory. Development and basic connotation; the third part analyses and discusses the necessity and importance of the application of benevolent thought to the work of counselors respectively. The fourth part is the core content of this article. The part of this part is to guide the ideological and political education content with benevolence thought, to promote the idea of the staff with benevolence thought and to optimize the student management hand with benevolence thought. From three perspectives, we analyze how Confucian benevolence is applied to counselors' work.


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