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发布时间:2018-06-27 08:33

  本文选题:大学生 + 品质 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生思想道德建设是一个既事关重大又颇为复杂的课题。在经济全球化过程中,我国社会伦理道德正发生着剧烈的嬗变,给当代大学生的道德建设带来了一系列的挑战。大学生理想信念的缺失,拒绝崇高,追求低俗已是较为普遍的现象。而这一切,其深层次的原因,却正是大学生道德品质伦理的缺失。因而,加强大学生道德品质的培育具有重大意义。本文从分析大学生道德品质的基本理论知识入手,认真分析了大学生道德品质的基本现状,在此基础上,提出了加强当代大学生道德品质教育的路径与方法。 本文共分三部分。第一部分,着重研究了大学生道德品质的基本理论。主要从三个方面来阐述,一是大学生道德品质的内涵,二是影响大学生道德品质的类型,三是大学生道德品质形成的过程及其特点,四是根据前三节的理论内容要求出发,提出当代大学生成人成才就必须加强大学生道德品质培养的重要性和必要性。第二部分主要从实际调查出发,认真研究和分析了当代大学生道德品质存在的主要问题及其原因分析。首先,通过对湖南省几所重点高校进行实际的问卷调查,根据大学生在道德状况、理想信念、价值观念、诚信品质等方面的状况,以便真实了解我国当代大学生的道德品质状况。接着,根据问卷调查的实际结果,分析出当代大学生道德品质存在的主要问题,并针对其存在的问题提出了具体的原因分析,如家庭教育的忽视、大学德育功能的弱化、社会环境的复杂性、网络媒体的负面效应等等,最后得出关键问题出在大学生自身的思想道德意识薄弱上。第三部分,着重研究的是培养大学生道德品质的路径和方法对策。
[Abstract]:The ideological and moral construction of college students is an important and complicated subject. In the process of economic globalization, the social ethics of our country is undergoing drastic changes, which brings a series of challenges to the moral construction of contemporary college students. The lack of ideals and beliefs, the rejection of sublime and the pursuit of vulgarity have become a common phenomenon. However, the deep reason for all this is the lack of moral quality and ethics of college students. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the cultivation of college students' moral quality. Starting with the analysis of the basic theoretical knowledge of college students' moral quality, this paper analyzes the basic status quo of college students' moral quality, and on this basis, puts forward the ways and methods to strengthen the moral quality education of contemporary college students. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the basic theory of college students' moral quality. It is mainly expounded from three aspects: first, the connotation of college students' moral quality, second, the type that affects the moral quality of college students; third, the process and characteristics of the formation of college students' moral quality; and fourthly, according to the theoretical requirements of the first three sections, The importance and necessity of strengthening the cultivation of college students' moral quality are put forward. The second part mainly from the actual investigation, seriously studies and analyzes the contemporary university student moral quality existence main question and the reason analysis. First of all, through the actual questionnaire survey of several key colleges and universities in Hunan Province, according to the status of college students in the aspects of moral status, ideal and belief, values, credit quality, etc. In order to truly understand the moral quality of contemporary college students in China. Then, according to the actual results of the questionnaire, this paper analyzes the main problems existing in the moral quality of contemporary college students, and puts forward specific reasons for the problems, such as the neglect of family education and the weakening of the function of moral education in universities. The complexity of social environment, the negative effects of network media and so on. Finally, the key problem lies in the weak ideological and moral consciousness of college students. The third part focuses on the path and methods of cultivating college students'moral quality.


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1 方宏建;大学生人格培育的机理与方法研究[D];天津大学;2010年

2 蔡春;德性与品格教育论[D];复旦大学;2010年




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