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发布时间:2018-06-27 17:39

  本文选题:高等教育大众化 + 职能 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学是社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是为达到人类一定目的服务的。因此,大学一经产生便被赋予了特定的职能,随着社会的发展与大学自身发展的需要,大学在社会中的作用不断增强,其职能也随之不断丰富。在当前知识经济时代,世界各国高等教育相继步入大众化阶段,对大学也提出了新的要求,高等学校对青年的剩余责任职能正是在这种背景下提出的。高等学校对青年的剩余责任职能是指高等学校依照社会分工,依据自身的能力,对已经接受过高等教育但是还未融入社会,对还没有得到社会持续关怀之前的青年毕业生应该承担相关责任的职能。文章通过对高等学校职能的历史演进、高等学校对青年剩余责任职能确立的现实依据、高等学校对青年剩余责任职能实现途径的建议等方面进行具体的论述,明确了高等学校在当前高等教育大众化背景下应该承担对青年的剩余责任职能,对高等学校如何承担起对青年的剩余责任职能进行了尝试性的探索。 全文分为三个部分。第一部分以知识为主线对高等学校职能演变及其发展进行了历史性的回顾。不同的时代高等学校承担着不同的职能。按此脉络分析出在当前知识经济时代,,高等教育进入大众化阶段以后高等学校应该承担起对青年的剩余责任。 第二部分对高等学校承担对青年的剩余责任职能的确立依据进行了论述,从社会现实的角度来分析,新科技革命、新时代知识爆炸、市场需求结构发生变化、师生人数不断扩大、机会均等观念深入人心、人类社会生活方式发生巨大变化是高等学校对青年的剩余责任职能确立的现实依据。高等学校承担对青年剩余责任职能的确立符合高等学校职能的历史演变逻辑,适应当前社会的要求,同时也是高等学校自身发展的需要。 第三部分对高等学校如何承担对青年的剩余责任职能进行了尝试性的探索。高等学校承担对青年剩余责任职能的实现途径可以从高等学校相互依存的四个方面着手:管理协调系统、教学支持系统、后勤保障系统和信息服务系统,每个方面又提出了几点具体的建议。 高等学校承担起对青年的剩余责任职能,是知识经济社会高等教育大众化背景下对高等学校做出的新要求,也是高等学校满足自身不断发展的内在要求。
[Abstract]:The university is the product of social development to a certain stage, is to achieve a certain purpose of human service. As a result, universities are endowed with specific functions as soon as they are born. With the development of society and the needs of universities themselves, the role of universities in society is constantly enhanced, and their functions are constantly enriched. In the current era of knowledge economy, higher education in the world has stepped into the stage of popularization one after another, and has put forward new requirements to universities. It is under this background that the residual responsibility functions of colleges and universities to young people are put forward. The residual responsibility function of colleges and universities to young people means that colleges and universities have received higher education but have not been integrated into society according to the social division of labor, according to their own ability. Responsibilities for young graduates who have not received sustained social care. This paper discusses the historical evolution of the functions of colleges and universities, the realistic basis for the establishment of the functions of residual responsibilities of youth in colleges and universities, and the suggestions on the ways to realize the functions of residual responsibilities of young people in colleges and universities. This paper clarifies that colleges and universities should assume the residual responsibility function to the youth under the background of the current popularization of higher education, and makes a tentative exploration on how to assume the residual responsibility function to the youth in colleges and universities. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the evolution and development of the functions of colleges and universities with knowledge as the main line. Colleges and universities in different times assume different functions. According to the analysis of this context, in the current era of knowledge economy, after the higher education enters the stage of popularization, colleges and universities should assume the residual responsibility to the youth. In the second part, the author discusses the basis for the establishment of the residual responsibility function of colleges and universities to the youth, analyzes from the angle of social reality, the new scientific and technological revolution, the knowledge explosion in the new era, and the change of the structure of market demand. The number of teachers and students is expanding, the idea of equal opportunity is deeply rooted in the people's heart, and the great changes in the way of life of human society are the realistic basis for the establishment of the function of residual responsibility to the youth in colleges and universities. The establishment of the residual responsibility function of colleges and universities accords with the historical evolution logic of the functions of colleges and universities, and meets the needs of the current society, as well as the needs of the development of colleges and universities themselves. In the third part, the author tries to explore how colleges and universities take on the function of residual responsibility to young people. The way to realize the function of university to assume the residual responsibility for youth can be started from four aspects: management coordination system, teaching support system, logistics support system and information service system. Several specific suggestions were made in each respect. It is a new requirement for colleges and universities under the background of the popularization of higher education in the knowledge economy society to assume the function of remaining responsibility to the youth, and it is also the inherent requirement for the colleges and universities to satisfy their own continuous development.


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