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发布时间:2018-06-28 06:06

  本文选题:大学生 + 网络消费观 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着网络科技的深入发展,网络消费已经深入到人们生活的方方面面。大学生作为接受新鲜事物较强,需求旺盛的群体,也是网络消费的主力军。网络消费这种新兴的消费方式,给大学生的生活和学习带来了极大的便利,但我们也应当看到大学生网络消费观中存在的问题,及时地进行引导,使他们能够树立正确的消费观念,从而指导自己的行为。大学生网络消费观教育是消费观教育中的重要一环,也是加强大学生思想品德教育的内在要求。大学生正确网络消费观的形成不仅有利于自身的健康成长和全面发展,也将对家庭的和谐及经济社会的发展起到促进作用。 对大学生进行网络消费观教育,需要学校、家庭和社会形成合力,不断地丰富大学生网络消费观教育的内容,明确大学生网络消费观教育的原则,探索大学生网络消费观教育的方法,探求大学生网络消费观教育的现实途径。本文主要通过问卷调查的方法,对当代大学生的网络消费观进行了分析,并以思想政治教育为视角对其进行探究和引导。 本文正文共分为四个部分。第一部分阐述了当代大学生网络消费观教育的相关概念,以及关注大学生网络消费观教育的重要性。第二部分论述了当代大学生网络消费观现状及存在的问题。第三部分对当代大学生网络消费观教育的现状及存在问题成因进行了探究。第四部分提出了相应的教育对策,分别从指导思想、内容、原则、方法、途径方面对大学生网络消费观教育进行了具体的探究。
[Abstract]:With the further development of network technology, network consumption has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives. College students, as a group with strong acceptance of new things and strong demand, are also the main force of network consumption. Network consumption, as a new consumption mode, has brought great convenience to college students' life and study, but we should also see the problems existing in college students' view of online consumption and guide them in time. So that they can set up the correct consumption concept, thus guiding their own behavior. The network consumption view education of college students is an important part of consumption view education, and it is also the inherent requirement of strengthening college students' ideological and moral education. The formation of college students' correct view of online consumption is not only conducive to their healthy growth and all-round development, but also to the harmonious family and economic and social development. To carry on the network consumption view education to the university student, needs the school, the family and the society to form the joint force, unceasingly enriches the university student network consumption view education content, clears the university student network consumption view education principle. This paper explores the methods of college students' online consumption view education and the practical ways of college students' network consumption view education. This article mainly through the questionnaire survey method, has carried on the analysis to the contemporary university student's network consumption view, and carries on the exploration and the guidance to it with the ideological and political education angle of view. The text of this paper is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the related concepts of contemporary college students' online consumption view education, and the importance of paying attention to the college students' online consumption view education. The second part discusses the current situation and existing problems of college students'view of internet consumption. The third part explores the current situation and causes of the problems in the education of college students'online consumption. The fourth part puts forward the corresponding education countermeasures, respectively from the guiding ideology, content, principles, methods, ways to explore the network consumption concept of college students education.


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