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发布时间:2018-06-30 01:16

  本文选题:产学研合作 + 师资 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:产学研合作将生产、教学和科研三者有机结合起来,是建设创新型国家、提升高校创新人才培养质量以及增强企业自主创新能力的必然要求。产学研战略联盟是产学研合作发展的高级形式,是建设创新型国家的战略路径。高校作为其中知识创新的主体在其中发挥何种作用,如何完善高校科技创新体系?在产学研战略联盟中,高校师资中哪些因素对提高科技成果转化有影响,以及如何建立健全产学研师资发展机制都是优化产学研战略联盟运行体制和管理模式的重要问题。因此,研究和明确高校师资在产学研战略联盟中的发展思路,对促进产学研战略联盟的健康快速发展有十分重要的作用。为了解决这些问题,,本文从以下几方面做了相关研究: 首先,研究了教师对产学研战略联盟的影响。本文选择国家大学科技园作为产学研战略联盟的案例,收集入驻企业较多的20所国家大学科技园的数据,并收集了这些国家大学科技园依托的高校师资信息,包括专任教师数、院士数、高级职称教师数和重点实验室数,然后分析了入驻企业数和这四个因素间的相关性。本研究利用贝叶斯分类算法对国家科技部和教育部给出的分类结果进行分类,验证师资因素对最终分类产生何种影响。 其次,建立了产学研合作视野下的师资发展模型。通过对产学研师资发展中存在问题的分析,根据产学研联盟的主体因素、外部政府和其他机构影响,结合不同影响因素分析构建了产学研合作视野下师资发展模型。并且为产学研战略联盟的模式选择提供了两种方式,从而保证合作的持续进行。 最后,进行了产学研合作视野下的师资发展机制研究。本研究首先从政府角度出发,对政府如何支持、引导和协调产学研师资建设给出建议,然后介绍政府在此过程中对高校和教师采取的资金、创新和建立竞争等方式的激励机制。然后,本文通过举例美国MIT产学研合作机制、日本官产学研机制、台湾地区的“工研院”等合作机制给出了合作机制建设途径。在以上分析基础上,本文给出了四种合作途径和两方面的激励途径。
[Abstract]:The combination of production, teaching and scientific research is the inevitable requirement for building an innovative country, improving the quality of innovative talents training in colleges and universities, and enhancing the ability of independent innovation of enterprises. The strategic alliance of industry, university and research is the advanced form of the development of industry, university and research, and the strategic path of building an innovative country. What role do universities play as the main body of knowledge innovation, and how to perfect the scientific and technological innovation system of colleges and universities? In the strategic alliance of production, learning and research, which factors in the teaching staff of colleges and universities have an influence on improving the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and how to establish and perfect the development mechanism of teachers of industry, university and research are the important problems to optimize the operation system and management mode of the strategic alliance of production, education and research. Therefore, it is very important to study and clarify the development ideas of teachers in the strategic alliance of production, education and research for promoting the healthy and rapid development of the strategic alliance of industry, education and research. In order to solve these problems, this paper does some research in the following aspects: firstly, it studies the influence of teachers on the strategic alliance of industry, learning and research. This paper chooses the National University Science and Technology Park as the case of the strategic alliance of industry, university and research, collects the data of 20 national university science and technology parks which have more enterprises, and collects the information of the university teachers, including the number of full-time teachers, which the national university science and technology parks rely on. The number of academicians, the number of senior teachers and the number of key laboratories are analyzed, and the correlation between the number of enterprises and the four factors is analyzed. In this study, Bayesian classification algorithm is used to classify the classification results given by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education to verify the impact of teacher factors on the final classification. Secondly, the model of teachers' development in the field of cooperation between industry, college and research is established. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the development of teachers in industry, university and research, according to the main factors of industry, university and research alliance, the influence of external government and other institutions, and combined with the analysis of different influencing factors, the model of teachers' development in the field of cooperation between industry, college and research is constructed. It also provides two ways for the mode selection of the strategic alliance of industry, college and research, so as to ensure the continuance of the cooperation. Finally, the author studies the mechanism of teachers' development from the perspective of industry, college and research cooperation. From the angle of the government, this study gives some suggestions on how to support, guide and coordinate the construction of teachers in the field of production, education and research, and then introduces the incentive mechanism adopted by the government to fund universities and teachers in the process, to innovate and to set up competition. Then, this paper gives the way to build the cooperation mechanism by giving examples of the cooperation mechanism of MIT, the Japanese government, the industrial research institute in Taiwan and so on. On the basis of above analysis, this paper gives four ways of cooperation and two ways of encouraging.


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