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发布时间:2018-07-02 14:17

  本文选题:自媒体 + 聚众传播 ; 参考:《陕西科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类社会的传播跨入第四个阶段电子传播时代后,Web2.0技术给互联网带来了一场革命式的变化,信息生产自主化,信息消费大众化、信息话语权平民化,多种个人应用平台呈现出一个新的网络时代——自媒体。如最早的自媒体应用平台博客,以及微博、个人空间、人人网、开心网、播客、拍客、个人电子杂志等。 网络媒体的新兴产物自媒体,不仅使传统的媒体概念更加多元、丰富,也使得传播方式更加多种多样。从传播角度来看,自媒体的网络传播出现了相似的传播特性,区别于大众媒体,如实时、自主、互动、个性等,从这种差异性自媒体传播已成为了一个兼具新式性和独特性的传播方式,是传播学中的传播方式的新现象,信息分享的新途径,是值得传播界的学者深入研究、分析的新领域。 基于对自媒体这个新兴媒体形态的研究,一些专家提出了聚众传播的范式理论。聚众传播本质的“聚”不仅表示信息、媒介、传播方式的聚合,更体现为同质化人群的聚合。在自媒体通过自由的个人表达及传播者、传播内容、方式的同质化聚合后,其传播效果也与以往不同。 本文将研究对象设定为大学生,,大学生对网络应用的普及率是网络用户中最高的,60%的大学生拥有自己的电脑,70%以上的大学生每天上网的时间在3小时以上;同时,大学时段是人生知识获取、性格塑造、人际交往的重要阶段,网络对他们知识获取,人生方向的影响非常重要,所以大学生作为未来社会的中坚建设者需要被重视被正确引导。 通过大学生运用自媒体平台,着重列举分析其中的几个自媒体平台,QQ群、博客、微博、人人网,针对于大学生使用自媒体的功能,交友聊天、获取信息、观点表达、互动分享和娱乐及服务功能来阐述自媒体的聚众传播效应对大学生的影响,并通过与传统媒体的对比分析得出自媒体的聚众传播效应对大学生的利弊影响。 本研究通过自媒体的聚众传播效应研究对于大学生的影响,从利弊结果中总结形成个人对于网络自媒体等的建设性建议,并对网络的传播功能、传播效果进行与时俱进的研究,对大学生的网络应用起到参考性的研究基础。
[Abstract]:After entering the fourth stage of the electronic communication era, the technology of Web 2.0 has brought a revolutionary change to the Internet. The information production is autonomous, the information consumption is popular, and the information discourse is popularized. Various personal application platforms present a new era of network-self-media. Such as the earliest self-media application platform blog, as well as Weibo, personal space, Renren, Kaixin, podcast, photo maker, personal electronic magazine and so on. The emerging product of network media, self-media, not only makes the traditional media concept more diverse and rich, but also makes the communication more diverse. From the point of view of communication, since the network communication of the media has appeared similar communication characteristics, which are different from the mass media, such as real-time, autonomy, interaction, personality, etc. From this kind of difference, media communication has become a new and unique communication mode, a new phenomenon in communication, a new way to share information, and a new field worthy of further study and analysis by scholars in the field of communication. Based on the research of self-media, some experts put forward the paradigm theory of mass communication. The essence of mass communication is not only the aggregation of information, media and means of communication, but also the aggregation of homogeneous people. After homogenization of content and mode of communication through free personal expression and communicator, its communication effect is different from the past. In this paper, we set the research object as college students. The popularization rate of network application among college students is the highest among the network users. More than 70% of college students have their own computers and have more than 3 hours of Internet access every day. At the same time, College time is an important stage of life knowledge acquisition, personality shaping and interpersonal communication. The influence of network on their knowledge acquisition and life direction is very important, so college students, as the backbone of the future society, need to be properly guided. Through the use of self-media platform by college students, this paper focuses on enumerating and analyzing several self-media platforms, QQgroups, blogs, Weibo, Renren, aiming at college students' use of self-media functions, making friends and chatting, obtaining information, and expressing their views. Interactive sharing, entertainment and service function to expound the influence of mass communication effect of self-media on college students, and through the comparative analysis with traditional media, the advantages and disadvantages of self-media mass communication effect on college students are obtained. This study through the self-media mass communication effect on the impact of college students, from the pros and cons of the results summed up from the positive and negative results of personal self-media network and other constructive suggestions, and network communication function, communication effect of the study with the times. To the university student's network application plays the reference research foundation.


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