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发布时间:2018-07-04 17:17

  本文选题:文化大发展大繁荣 + 校园文化 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议通过的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》是党在新的历史条件下,面对当今国际国内形势做出的重大战略决策。党的十八大报告也进一步阐释了推进社会主义文化强国建设的重要意义,并将精神文明建设同经济建设、政治建设、社会建设、生态文明建设一同纳入“五位一体”总布局。文化是民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,是综合国力竞争的重要因素,也是经济社会发展的重要支撑。高等学校校园文化是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分,在社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的背景下,高校校园文化建设必须坚定不移地走社会主义先进文化的发展道路。加强高校校园文化建设对于推进高等教育改革发展,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,全面提高大学综合素质都具有十分重要的意义。文化大发展大繁荣背景下的校园文化建设应该以精神文化建设为核心和灵魂,物质文化建设、制度文化建设以及行为文化建设都应该牢牢抓住精神建设的主线,以通过“文化”来培养人、创造人为根本任务,实现以文化人。 本文从高校校园文化在新时期里的特点入手,重点分析校园文化在文化大发展大繁荣背景下的现状形势,结合时代特征和高校自身实际,从整体上把握高校校园文化建设的思路、原则和对策,重点研究高校校园文化建设与文化大发展大繁荣时代背景的相互联系,构建高校校园文化建设的评估体系和良好平台,在高校校园文化的实践上提出新的思考,新的探索。 本文主要由引言和正文两个主体部分组成,主要采用文献研究等方法进行论文的写作。其中引言部分首先说明本文研究的背景以及研究的理论意义和现实意义。其次进行广泛的文献综述,梳理了国内外众多学者的主要研究成果。最后提出了本文的创新点。正文内容主要分为以下三个部分: 第一部分是对校园文化概念的阐述。首先在综合国内外学者以及马克思主义关于文化的概念描述的基础上,本文针对社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的时代背景,提出了高校校园文化建设主要侧重于精神文化建设的狭义概念。其次重点阐释校园文化在文化大发展大繁荣中的重要性,分析文化大发展大繁荣的内涵,探究校园文化在其中的特点与联系,以及开展校园文化建设的意义。 第二部分是对文化大发展大繁荣背景下的校园文化现状的分析。针对校园文化在新的时期里所具有的时代特点,研究校园文化在现实中取得的成就和存在的不足,系统地分析问题存在的原因。在校园文化建设的现状中,校园文化建设应突出精神文化建设的核心地位,在成就和问题的研究方面,坚持精神文化建设这条主线,为校园文化建设注入灵魂。, 第三部分是有针对性地对高校校园文化建设存在的问题提出解决的对策。抓住精神文化建设的主线,一方面理清校园文化建设的总体,,抓住在文化大发展大繁荣背景下校园文化建设的核心目的、主要任务、基本前提和驱动力。另一方面,切实落实校园文化建设的具体对策,统筹各方面文化建设,提高校园文化建设的整体质量和效果,并构建出切实有效的评估体系。
[Abstract]:The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee on deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great development and prosperity of the socialist culture is a major strategic decision made by the party under the new historical conditions and facing the current international and domestic situation. The party's eighteen major reports have also been made. It further explains the importance of promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power, and integrates the construction of spiritual civilization with economic construction, political construction, social construction and ecological civilization in the overall layout of the "five in one". Culture is an important source of national cohesion and creativity, an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength, and an economic society. The university campus culture is an important part of the advanced socialist culture. Under the background of the great prosperity of the socialist culture, the construction of college campus culture must unswervingly take the road of the development of the socialist advanced culture. The development, strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students and improving the comprehensive quality of the university are of great significance. The construction of campus culture under the background of great cultural development and prosperity should take the spiritual and cultural construction as the core and soul, and the material and cultural construction, the establishment of institutional culture and the construction of behavior culture should firmly grasp the spirit. The main line of construction is to cultivate people through "culture", create the fundamental task of human beings, and achieve cultural people.
This paper, starting with the characteristics of campus culture in the new period, focuses on the analysis of the current situation of campus culture under the background of great cultural development and prosperity, and combines the characteristics of the times and the reality of the university to grasp the ideas, principles and Countermeasures of the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities as a whole, and focus on the study of the construction of campus culture and the great development of culture. The mutual connection of the background of the prosperous times, the evaluation system and the good platform for the construction of campus culture in Colleges and universities, put forward new thinking and new exploration in the practice of campus culture in Colleges and universities.
This article is mainly composed of two main parts of the introduction and the main body, mainly using literature research and other methods to write the paper. The introduction first illustrates the background of the study and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. Secondly, it carries out a broad literature review and combs the main research results of many scholars at home and abroad. The main contents of this article are divided into three parts:
The first part is the exposition of the concept of campus culture. First, on the basis of the comprehensive domestic and foreign scholars and the description of the concept of Marx's culture, this paper puts forward the narrow concept of the construction of the campus culture, which mainly focuses on the construction of the spirit and culture. The importance of campus culture in the great prosperity of cultural development, the analysis of the connotation of the great prosperity of culture, the characteristics and connections of campus culture, and the significance of the construction of campus culture.
The second part is the analysis of the present situation of campus culture under the background of great cultural development and prosperity. In view of the characteristics of the times in the new period of campus culture, the achievements and shortcomings of the campus culture in the reality are studied and the reasons for the existence of the problems are systematically analyzed. Highlighting the core position of spiritual and cultural construction, adhering to the main line of spiritual and cultural construction in the study of achievements and problems, and inject soul into the construction of campus culture.
The third part is the countermeasures to solve the problems existing in the construction of college campus culture. To grasp the main line of spiritual culture construction, on the one hand, clarify the overall cultural construction of the campus, grasp the core purpose of the campus culture construction under the background of great cultural development and prosperity, the main task, the basic premise and the driving force. We can effectively implement the concrete countermeasures of campus culture construction, co-ordinate all aspects of cultural construction, improve the overall quality and effect of campus culture construction, and build an effective and effective evaluation system.


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