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发布时间:2018-07-04 18:49

  本文选题:高等院校 + 绩效考核 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校之间竞争的最终落脚点是人才,即学校教师之间的竞争。由于教育经费少、所在城市对人才吸引力不足,再加上办学历史较短,新建本科院校相比一般院校师资队伍建设问题更为严重。为了充分调动教师积极性和创造性,增强对高端人才的吸引力,提高办学效益和整体竞争力,此类高校必须认真研究总结现状,分析不足,不断改善教师激励机制。 本文采用归纳分析法、理论研究和实践研究相结合的方法,以激励理论为基础,借鉴国内外高校在教师激励措施方面的成功经验,对莆田学院教师激励机制进行研究。 本文首先介绍莆田学院教师激励机制构建的背景:教师结构严重不合理、原聘任制度严重打击教师积极性、高端人才引进和培养任务艰巨和薪酬分配公平性不足等,接着总结教师激励机制构建的原则,并从岗位聘任与绩效考核激励、薪酬激励、培训进修激励和人才引进激励四个方面总结并分析莆田学院教师激励机制的构成,,最后分析该激励机制还存在的不足,并提出了激励机制进一步改善的建议。
[Abstract]:The ultimate goal of competition between colleges and universities is the competition among teachers. Due to the lack of educational funds, the lack of attraction to talents in the city, and the short history of running a university, the construction of new undergraduate colleges and universities is more serious than that of general colleges and universities. In order to fully arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers, enhance the attraction to high-end talents, and improve the efficiency of running schools and the overall competitiveness, such colleges and universities must seriously study and sum up the present situation, analyze the deficiencies, and constantly improve the incentive mechanism of teachers. This paper adopts the method of inductive analysis, theoretical research and practical research, based on the incentive theory, draws lessons from the successful experience of teachers' incentive measures in colleges and universities at home and abroad, and studies the teacher incentive mechanism of Putian University. This paper first introduces the background of the construction of teacher incentive mechanism in Putian University: the teacher structure is seriously unreasonable, the original employment system seriously attacks the enthusiasm of teachers, the task of introducing and cultivating high-end talents is arduous, and the fairness of salary distribution is insufficient, etc. Then it summarizes the principles of teacher incentive mechanism, and summarizes and analyzes the structure of teacher incentive mechanism in Putian University from four aspects: post engagement and performance appraisal incentive, salary incentive, training and study incentive and talent introduction incentive. Finally, the shortcomings of the incentive mechanism are analyzed, and suggestions for further improvement of the incentive mechanism are put forward.


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