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发布时间:2018-07-06 07:26

  本文选题:全球化 + 大学生 ; 参考:《中国青年政治学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:全球化这股不可抗拒的历史潮流是我们当今世界最显著的时代特征之一,它对我国经济、政治、文化、社会、生态等领域都产生了重要的影响。我国公民政治参与也表现出许多受全球化影响的特征。这些影响中既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。我们应充分利用有利于我国公民政治参与朝着健康科学有序方向发展的因素,积极采取对策和措施解决全球化对公民有序政治参与可能产生的负面影响。在我国公民政治参与的群体中最富有活力的是青年大学生,最值得人们期待的是青年大学生,最能代表整个社会发展方向的也是青年大学生。他们政治参与的意识是否理性、科学,政治参与的渠道是否通畅,,政治参与的能力是否代表当下我国青年人政治参与的总体水平,是我们党和国家以及整个社会需要高度重视的问题。特别是全球化对大学生政治参与的影响表现出的新特征、新动向更值得我们思考、探索和研究。 基于上述原因,本人对中国青年政治学院、北京理工大学、浙江大学、郑州大学、兰州大学五所高校的1000名大学生进行了问卷调查,得到第一手资料,并对此进行理论分析。得知:大学生政治参与有值得肯定的成绩,同时也存在参与意识两极分化、部分参与动机功利和无序政治参与、参与效能不明显等问题。通过对存在问题的原因进行分析,提出相应的对策,以期对大学生有序政治参与的理论研究和提高大学生有序政治参与的实践操作能力提出有价值的建议。 由于个人能力的局限,拙作只是在一定范围之内对大学生有序政治参与进行讨论和研究,论文肯定还有许多的不足,这需要在今后作进一步的研究和探索。
[Abstract]:Globalization, an irresistible historical trend, is one of the most prominent features of the times in our world. It has had an important impact on the economic, political, cultural, social, ecological and other fields of our country. Civil political participation in China also shows many characteristics affected by globalization. There are both positive and negative aspects of these influences. We should make full use of the factors conducive to the healthy scientific and orderly development of civil political participation and take active measures to solve the possible negative effects of globalization on civil orderly political participation. In the group of citizen political participation in our country, the most energetic is the young college students, the most worthy of people's expectation is the young college students, and the most representative of the direction of social development is the young college students. Whether their consciousness of political participation is rational, scientific, whether the channels for political participation are open, and whether the ability of political participation represents the overall level of political participation of young people in our country at present. Is our party and country and the whole society needs to attach great importance to the problem. Especially the influence of globalization on college students' political participation shows new characteristics, and the new trend is worth our thinking, exploration and research. Based on the above reasons, I conducted a questionnaire survey on 1000 college students in five universities of China Youth political College, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Zhengzhou University and Lanzhou University, and obtained first-hand information and theoretical analysis. It is known that the political participation of college students is worthy of positive achievements, but there are also some problems such as polarization of participation consciousness, partial participation motivation utility and disordered political participation, and the participation effectiveness is not obvious. Through the analysis of the causes of the problems, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to put forward valuable suggestions for the theoretical research of the orderly political participation of college students and the improvement of the practical and operational ability of the university students' orderly political participation. Due to the limitation of personal ability, my works only discuss and study the orderly political participation of college students within a certain range, and there must be many deficiencies in the thesis, which need to be further studied and explored in the future.


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