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发布时间:2018-07-07 13:33

  本文选题:服务型政府 + 大学生就业 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:就业是一个全世界共同关注的话题,是衡量一个政府、一个执政党执政水平、治国水平的重要标志。据人力资源和社会保障部公布的数据,2013年将是建国以来高校毕业生最多的一年,毕业生规模将达到699万,比2012年增加19万人,就业形势很严峻,工作任务十分艰巨繁重。金融危机的阴霾并未散去,世界经济的发展必然受其影响,中国经济将同样长期处于回暖期,中国就业市场也将受期影响。大学生就业问题不仅仅是关系学生个人的问题,关系到千万个家庭的幸福,关系到社会的稳定,是当前重要的民生问题。解决大学生就业需要高校、政府、社会机构等齐心协力、共同作为,尤其是政府的责任重大,因为解决好就业这项民生问题是服务型政府的题中应有之义,是考察政府公信力的重要指标。 就业是民生之本,党的十八大明确指出:“要实现更高质量的就业要贯彻劳动者自主就业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业和鼓励创业的方针,实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策。”高校毕业生是一个很大的就业团体,解决好高校毕业生的就业问题是政府公共服务一项重要责任。政府在促进高校毕业生就业方面,应该加强宏观调控,加快结构升级,实现经济快速健康发展,,为毕业生提供稳定的就业环境;建立健全就业服务体系,为毕业生就业提供便捷的服务,畅通就业服务渠道;完善就业的法律法规,规范就业市场健康有序发展,建立社会监督体系。 在社会转型的关键时期,各级政府应充分认识到实现毕业生充分就业的必要性。2013年6月8日,国务院总理李克强亲自到河北师范大学了解大学生就业情况,他告诉学生们,“今年的就业形势比较严峻,就业有压力,但就业的动力大于压力,学校和国家都会为你们就业提供支持和帮助。”上个世纪九十年代开始,大学生就业已经从在计划经济时代的政府包分配,向市场经济下的自主择业转变,但是大学生就业是一项牵扯高校、政府、企业等方方面面的系统工程,必须有一方面能够整合各方力量,这便需要政府充分发挥服务职能,建立起有效的工作机制,妥善处理不发达的市场经济条件下的大学生择业难的问题。 本文针对大学生就业问题政府既不能“包办”也不能“放任自流”的情况,建设服务型政府,转变政府职能,在强化宏观调控、完善保障支持、加强规划指导、提供优质服务等方面提出应发挥的作用,促进高校毕业生的优化配置和最大限度实现就业。主要内容分三部分:第一,在建设服务型政府的背景下,针对目前大学生就业中存在的一系列问题,探讨了政府促进大学生就业的必要性。第二,结合当前大学生就业现状,通过对沧州市四所高校的问卷调查了解高校以及大学生中发现的大学生就业过程中政府职能的“缺位”表现,借鉴各省先进经验剖析深层次原因,找到解决途径。第三,提出了优化政府职能的具体建议:政府促进大学生就业的政策导向功能,实施更加积极的就业政策,狠抓落实;政府促进大学生就业的服务功能,建立就业服务体系,提升就业质量;政府促进大学生就业的保障职能,健全就业制度,完善社会保险;政府促进大学生就业的计划调节职能,采取行政手段干预,完善高教发展;政府促进大学生就业的岗位拓展职能,加快经济结构调整,增加就业岗位。
[Abstract]:According to the data published by the Ministry of human resources and social security, the year 2013 will be the largest year of college graduates since the founding of the people's Republic of China. The scale of the graduates will reach 6 million 990 thousand, 190 thousand more than in 2012, and the employment situation is increased. The work task is very arduous and arduous. The haze of the financial crisis has not been dispersed. The development of the world economy is bound to be affected by it. The Chinese economy will be in the same long period of warming and the employment market in China will be affected. The problem of employment of college students is not only a matter of individual students but also the happiness of tens of millions of families. The stability of the society is an important problem of the people's livelihood. It is important to work together in colleges, governments and social institutions to solve the employment of college students, especially the responsibility of the government, because the problem of solving the livelihood of the people is the meaning of the problem of the service-oriented government and an important indicator of the public credibility of the government.
Employment is the foundation of the people's livelihood. The eighteen Party's main points clearly point out: "to achieve higher quality of employment, to carry out the employment of workers, the market adjustment of employment, the government's policy of promoting employment and encouraging entrepreneurship, the implementation of employment priority strategies and more active employment policies." college graduates are a large employment group to solve colleges and universities. The employment of graduates is an important responsibility of the government's public service. In promoting the employment of college graduates, the government should strengthen macro regulation, accelerate the structure upgrading, realize the rapid and healthy development of the economy, provide a stable employment environment for the graduates, establish a sound employment service system, and provide convenient services for the graduates' employment, smooth and smooth. The channels for employment services should be improved, laws and regulations on employment improved, the healthy and orderly development of the employment market standardized, and a social supervision system established.
In the critical period of social transformation, governments at all levels should fully realize the necessity of full employment for graduates in June 8th. In June 8th, Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council, personally visited the Hebei Normal University to understand the employment situation of college students. He told students that "this year's employment situation is severe, employment is pressure, but the motivation of employment is greater than pressure," Schools and countries will provide support and help for your employment. "Since the 90s of last century, the employment of college students has changed from the government of the planned economy to the independent job selection under the market economy, but the employment of college students is a systematic project involving universities, government, enterprises and other aspects. It can integrate the strength of the parties, which requires the government to give full play to the service function, establish an effective working mechanism, and properly handle the problem of College Students' difficulty in choosing a career under the conditions of the underdeveloped market economy.
This article aims at the situation that the government can neither "manage" nor "let go", to build a service-oriented government, to change government functions, to strengthen macro regulation and control, to improve support support, to strengthen planning guidance and to provide high quality services, and to promote the optimal allocation and maximum limit of college graduates. The main contents are divided into three parts: first, in the context of building a service-oriented government, the necessity of the government to promote the employment of college students is discussed in view of the existing problems in the employment of college students. Second, in combination with the current employment status of college students, through a questionnaire survey of four colleges and universities in Cangzhou, the University and the large number of colleges and universities are understood. Students found in the process of College Students' employment in the process of the "Absence" of government functions, using the advanced experience of various provinces to analyze the deep reasons and find solutions. Third, the specific suggestions are put forward to optimize the government functions: the government to promote the policy oriented function of the employment of college students, to implement a more active employment policy, and to pay attention to the implementation of the government; the government To promote the service function of College Students' employment, to establish employment service system, to improve the quality of employment, to promote the guarantee function of the employment of college students, to improve the employment system, to improve the social insurance, to adjust the functions of the government to promote the employment of college students, to intervene by administrative means, to complete the development of high education, and to promote the employment of college students by the government. Expand functions, speed up economic restructuring and increase employment opportunities.


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