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发布时间:2018-07-07 21:15

  本文选题:外向型企业 + 本土人才 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:新疆外向型企业在所在国的生存和长远发展必然要实施一系列本土化战略,这其中人才本土化是重要战略之一。人才本土化是一个长期的过程,在此过程中研究这些企业需要中亚本土人才的数量,需要什么样的本土人才以及需要哪些种类的本土人才能为我们面对中亚地区的新疆留学生教育制定培养方案提供参考依据。本研究选取新疆二十余家知名外向型企业为研究对象,通过问卷调查法和访谈法,对其人力资源管理和在岗中亚本土员工的现状进行调查,,分析企业未来对中亚本土员工的需求情况,探讨在市场需求下,新疆留学生教育的应对之策。 全文分为五个部分进行研究:第一章的绪论部分主要对研究主题、研究目的和意义、研究思路和方法作了阐述;第二章从企业经营性质和主要业务类型两方面对新疆外向型企业的现状做了大概介绍;第三章,对新疆外向型企业人力资源管理和中亚本土员工现状两方面进行调查,分析未来三年企业对于本土员工的需求方向,并对人力资源管理过程中存在的问题提出建议;第四章,分析新疆外向型企业未来三年对中亚本土员工的需求结果,从需求的数量、国别和工种几个方面进行分析,旨在为新疆高校合理规划留学生专业设置和人才培养方向提供有益借鉴;第五章,探讨在此市场需求下,新疆留学生教育的应对策略并提出建议。
[Abstract]:The survival and long-term development of Xinjiang export-oriented enterprises is bound to implement a series of localization strategies, in which the localization of talents is one of the important strategies. The localization of talents is a long-term process. In this process, it is necessary to study the number of talents and what kind of local talents and what needs the local talents in these enterprises. A variety of native people can provide reference for the development of Xinjiang foreign students education in Central Asia. This study selected more than twenty famous export-oriented enterprises in Xinjiang as the research object. Through the questionnaire survey and interview, the present situation of human resource management and the present situation of the local employees in Central Asia was investigated and analyzed. The future demand for local employees in Central Asia will be discussed in the light of market demand and Countermeasures for the education of overseas students in Xinjiang.
The full text is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction part of the main topic, the purpose and significance of the study, research ideas and methods are expounded; the second chapter from the enterprise management nature and the main types of business types two parties to Xinjiang export-oriented enterprises to do a general introduction; the third chapter, the Xinjiang export-oriented enterprise human resources Two aspects of resource management and the present situation of local staff in Central Asia are investigated, the direction of the demand for the local employees in the next three years is analyzed, and some suggestions on the problems existing in the process of human resource management are put forward. In the fourth chapter, the demand results of Xinjiang's export-oriented enterprises in the next three years in Central Asia are analyzed, from the quantity of demand, country and work. Several aspects are analyzed in order to provide useful reference for the rational planning of foreign students in Xinjiang universities and the direction of talent training. The fifth chapter discusses the countermeasures and suggestions for the education of foreign students in Xinjiang under this market demand.


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