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发布时间:2018-07-07 23:43

  本文选题:大学新生 + 班级活动 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高校的招生规模不断扩大,高等教育逐渐由精英教育进入到大众教育阶段,社会越来越需要具有较高综合素质的毕业生,高校应该把学生综合素质的培养作为育人工作的重要方面。如何改进重教师灌输、轻学生参与,重智力因素、轻非智力因素,重知识传授、轻能力养成,重学习成绩、轻综合素质,重课堂讲授、轻实习实践,重做事培训、轻做人培养等现象,这是我们在教育工作中必须要面临的问题。 为使培养的大学生能够适应未来职场的需要,山东大学提出融知识学习体系和人格培育体系为一体的人才培养模式,在进行知识传授的同时加强学生综合素质的锻炼和培养,进一步重视课堂外因素和班级活动在学生培养过程中所发挥的重要作用,为学生综合素质的提高提供良好的支撑平台。 大学生综合素质的培养贯穿于整个大学阶段,笔者认为对于刚刚进入大学的新生而言,周围的一切都是新的,相对轻松的环境很容易使他们产生某些困惑。因此尽快的使他们认识到综合素质的重要性,有意识的培养和锻炼自己的综合素质便显得至关重要。 为培养和锻炼大学生的综合素质,笔者设计策划了不同类型的班级活动,包括学术创新活动、思想文化活动、自主实践活动、文娱体育活动、大学社团活动和宿舍文化活动,并利用自己作为辅导员的便利条件,在实际工作中积极认真的组织学生开展上述类型的活动,以期通过这些活动的开展和进行达到提高学生综合素质的目的。 为全面掌握上述活动的开展对学生综合素质的提高到底有何效果,所起作用到底有多大,笔者选择了国内、外成熟的调查问卷,对活动开展的效果进行测量和评估。根据评估的结果进一步完善活动的设计,以求更好的达到预期的效果。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of the enrollment scale of colleges and universities, higher education has gradually entered the stage of mass education from elite education, and the society more and more needs graduates with higher comprehensive quality. Colleges and universities should take the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality as an important aspect of the work of educating people. How to improve teachers' indoctrination, not students' participation, intelligence factors, non-intelligence factors, knowledge imparting, ability formation, academic achievement, comprehensive quality, classroom teaching, practice, work training, etc. Light life training and other phenomena, which we must face in the education work. In order to make the college students adapt to the needs of the future workplace, Shandong University puts forward a talent training model which integrates the knowledge learning system and the personality cultivation system, and strengthens the training and training of the students' comprehensive quality while carrying on the knowledge teaching. We should pay more attention to the important role of extracurricular factors and class activities in the process of students' cultivation, and provide a good support platform for the improvement of students' comprehensive quality. The cultivation of college students' comprehensive quality runs through the whole university stage. The author thinks that for the freshmen who have just entered the university, everything around them is new, and the relatively relaxed environment makes them easily have some confusion. Therefore, to make them realize the importance of comprehensive quality as soon as possible, it is very important to cultivate and exercise their own comprehensive quality consciously. In order to cultivate and train the comprehensive quality of college students, the author designed and planned different kinds of class activities, including academic innovation activities, ideological and cultural activities, independent practice activities, recreational and sports activities, university community activities and dormitory cultural activities. In order to improve the students' comprehensive quality, we can organize the students to carry out the above types of activities actively and conscientiously in the practical work by making use of their convenient conditions as counsellors, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the students' comprehensive quality through the development and carrying out of these activities. In order to grasp the effect of the above activities on the improvement of students' comprehensive quality and how much effect they play, the author chooses the domestic and foreign mature questionnaire to measure and evaluate the effect of the activities. According to the results of the evaluation, further improve the design of the activities to better achieve the desired results.


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