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发布时间:2018-07-09 18:54

  本文选题:新媒体 + 大学生成才 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着信息技术的不断发展,新媒体逐渐走入大学生视野并成为大学生成才与成长的重要影响因素,成为大学生成才与成长无法绕开的重要话题。 首先,本文以新媒体对大学生成长成才的影响为研究视角,在对当前学界关于新媒体与大学生成才研究的主要观点系统掌握的基础上,科学界定了新媒体与大学生成才概念,论述了新媒体与大学生成长成才的关系,提出新媒体己成为大学生成才的重要媒介因素;新媒体对大学生的双重影响应成为高校思想政治教育的重点关注领域;思想性与关注度相结合应成为新媒体建设的重点等主要观点。 接着本文通过问卷调查、实地访谈的方式,对武汉地区4所高校开展了“新媒体与当代大学生成才”主题调研,获得了大量的第一手资料,并通过客观分析调研数据,研究了新媒体对大学生各方面的影响现状,从积极与消极两方面分析了新媒体对大学生的影响因素:一方面,新媒体因信息的庞大以及无界限交流,有利于活跃大学生思想、促进大学生学习、丰富大学生生活。另一方面,网络本身也包含消极、负面的信息,由于网络监控和信息筛选的难度太大,新媒体对大学生思想、学习和身心也带来了多方面消极影响。继而本文对新媒体对大学生思想、学习和身心带来双重影响的原因进行了详细探讨,认为新媒体对大学生成长成才的双刃剑效应与双重影响与社会历史,新媒体的建设与发展现状,高校对于新媒体的建设管理现状以及大学生主体知性状况等都有重要的关系。 进而本文提出了以大学生成长成才为目标,政府主导,高校为主实施,社会各群团组织乃至街道社区协同的高校新媒体建设管理思路。本研究在对政府在新媒体健康发展中的顶层设计和中层管理功能进行了研究以后,重点对高校如何为主实施提高新媒体管理和应用水平进行了研究,提出了疏堵结合,提升高校新媒体管理水平的策略和方法。在管理方面,高校应重视通过多渠道教育活动提高大学生的新媒体素养和网络心理健康水平;重视完善新媒体校园管理规章制度;重视对校园新媒体站点的平台的建设和管理;重视融健康新媒体文化于营造健康的校园文化和学校创新氛围之中。在平台建设方面,高校应重点做好学校主流网站,虚拟网络交流平台,微德育平台三方面阵地建设。最后,作为一个重要方面,本研究对社校联动,共同营造健康的新媒体环境也提出了思考和建议。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of information technology, the new media has gradually entered the college students' field of vision and become an important influencing factor of college students' growth and growth, and has become an important topic that can not be bypassed by college students' growth and growth. First of all, from the perspective of the influence of new media on the growth of college students, this paper scientifically defines the concept of new media and college students on the basis of mastering the main views of the current academic circles on the new media and the study of college students. This paper discusses the relationship between the new media and the growth of college students, and points out that the new media has become an important media factor for college students, and that the dual influence of new media on college students should become the focus of attention in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The combination of ideology and attention should be the focus of new media construction. Then, through the way of questionnaire investigation and field interview, this paper carries out a research on the theme of "New Media and Contemporary College students becoming Talent" in four universities in Wuhan area, and obtains a lot of first-hand information, and through objective analysis of the investigation data, This paper studies the current situation of the influence of new media on college students, and analyzes the influence factors of new media on college students from the positive and negative aspects: on the one hand, the new media is beneficial to the active thinking of college students because of the huge information and the boundless exchange of information. Promote the study of college students, enrich the life of college students. On the other hand, the network itself also contains negative and negative information. Because of the difficulty of network monitoring and information screening, the new media has brought many negative effects on college students' thought, study and body and mind. Then this paper discusses in detail the causes of the double influence of new media on college students' thought, study and body and mind, and points out that the new media has a double-edged sword effect and dual influence on college students' growth and development, as well as social history. The construction and development of new media, universities and colleges have important relations to the construction and management of new media and the knowledge of college students. Furthermore, this paper puts forward the new media construction and management idea of colleges and universities, which is aimed at the growth of college students, led by the government, implemented mainly by colleges and universities, and coordinated by social groups and even street communities. After studying the top-level design and middle management function of the government in the healthy development of new media, this study focuses on how to improve the management and application level of new media in colleges and universities, and puts forward the combination of thinning and blocking. The strategies and methods to improve the management level of new media in colleges and universities. In terms of management, colleges and universities should pay attention to improving college students' new media literacy and network mental health through multi-channel education activities, attach importance to the improvement of new media campus management rules and regulations, attach importance to the construction and management of the platform of new media sites on campus. Attach importance to the integration of healthy new media culture to create a healthy campus culture and school innovation atmosphere. In the aspect of platform construction, colleges and universities should focus on the construction of main school website, virtual network exchange platform and micro moral education platform. Finally, as an important aspect, this study also puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on how to create a healthy new media environment.


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