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发布时间:2018-07-11 17:41

  本文选题:孝文化 + 德育 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2013年3月,习近平同志指出“实现中国梦必须走中国道路,必须弘扬中国精神,,必须凝聚中国力量。”同时要“不断夯实实现中国梦的物质文化基础。”用中国的思想解决中国的问题,用中国的文化实现中国的梦想成为中华民族实现伟大复兴的思路。2005年中共中央《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的意见》中指出对广大青年的教育要“以爱国主义教育为重点,深入进行弘扬和培育民族精神教育。”也表明了,传统文化作为民族精神的基础和表现形式,其合理内核对思想政治教育具有一定价值。“孝”作为伦理道德的基础,“孝文化”作为中国传统文化的组成部分,“孝德”作为民族传统美德,其在中国任何历史阶段都是青年的品德养成教育的组成内容。批判地继承传统孝文化,可以为完善当代大学生道德品质、提高大学生感恩意识、增强大学生社会责任感与培养大学生爱国情怀提供良好素材。同时,挖掘中国传统文化中适应时代发展、适应党新时期教育方针和易于被大学生接受的合理内核,也是在西方文化涌入环境下,增强大学生对本民族文化认同有效方式之一。基于以上认识,本文对传统孝文化进行了扬弃,结合大学生具体特点,力图通过孝文化为高校德育工作的开展提供一定帮助。 除导言外,本文分为四个部分。第一部分为传统孝文化的时代蕴含。通过对传统孝文化内容分析,结合时代特点归结出传统孝文化的时代蕴含,并指明传统孝文化的德育价值。第二部分为中国传统孝文化对高校德育的价值。提出并论证中国传统文化是高校德育的有效资源,在此基础上传统孝文化对高校德育的“四重价值”。第三部分为大学生孝德问题分析。通过指出大学生的孝德问题,进而从家庭、社会、学校等方面分析产生大学生孝德问题的原因。第四部分为中国传统孝文化融入高校德育的途径。通过提炼传统孝文化,分析其对高校德育的帮助与启示,从而实现孝文化对高校德育的价值。
[Abstract]:In March 2013, Xi Jinping said: "to achieve Chinese Dream, we must follow the path of China, we must promote the Chinese spirit, and we must rally China's strength." At the same time, we should "constantly consolidate the material and cultural foundation of Chinese Dream." To solve China's problems with Chinese thinking, Using Chinese culture to realize China's dream has become the train of thought for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In "opinions on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students" of the CPC Central Committee in 2005, it was pointed out that the education for the vast number of young people should be carried out. Education should "focus on patriotism education," Carry on the education of carrying forward and cultivating the national spirit in depth. " It also shows that the rational core of traditional culture, as the foundation and manifestation of national spirit, has certain value to ideological and political education. "filial piety" as the basis of ethics and morality, "filial piety culture" as an integral part of Chinese traditional culture, "filial piety" as a traditional virtue of the nation, is the content of moral cultivation education of young people at any historical stage in China. Critically inheriting the traditional culture of filial piety can provide good materials for improving the moral quality of contemporary college students, enhancing their sense of gratitude, strengthening their sense of social responsibility and cultivating their patriotism. At the same time, it is one of the effective ways to strengthen college students' identity to the national culture in the environment of western culture to dig out the reasonable core of Chinese traditional culture which adapts to the development of the times, adapts to the educational policy of the Party in the new period and is easy to be accepted by college students. Based on the above understanding, this article has carried on the sublation to the traditional filial piety culture, unifies the university student concrete characteristic, through the filial piety culture to provide the certain help for the university moral education work development. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the era implication of traditional filial piety culture. By analyzing the content of traditional filial piety culture, combining with the characteristics of the times, this paper concludes the implication of the traditional filial piety culture and points out the moral value of the traditional filial piety culture. The second part is the value of Chinese traditional filial piety culture to moral education in colleges and universities. It is put forward and proved that Chinese traditional culture is an effective resource for moral education in colleges and universities, and on this basis, the traditional filial piety culture is the "four-fold value" of moral education in colleges and universities. The third part is the analysis of filial piety of college students. Through pointing out the problem of filial piety of college students, and then analyzing the causes of filial piety problems of college students from family, society, school and so on. The fourth part is the way of Chinese traditional filial piety culture into moral education in colleges and universities. By refining traditional filial piety culture and analyzing its help and enlightenment to moral education in colleges and universities, the value of filial piety culture to moral education in colleges and universities is realized.


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