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发布时间:2018-07-12 12:30

  本文选题:战略联盟 + 大学战略联盟 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育的大众化、国际化发展一定程度上促进了大学的联盟合作,大学联盟通过优势互补而实现利益共享,有助于优化教育资源配置,从而提高办学综合实力,进而改善现有高校布局结构不甚合理、投入产出实效偏低的弱势局面。但从目前中国大学战略联盟的发展现状来看,联盟的运行制度及管理方式等各方面还不成熟,联盟的效果还不尽如意,联盟尚待发展和完善。本研究通过考察中国大学战略联盟形成历程、描述其发展现状及其分析其存在问题的,试图对其发展和完善提出一些对策和建议。 首先,通过梳理和分析文献资料对大学战略联盟的概念、类型与意义进行阐述。归纳总结出大学联盟是指两个或者两个以上的高校(或高校与其他特定组织、机构)之间,为了达到一定的目的或战略目标,从而组建风险共担、优势互补、要素双向或多向流动的松散型网络组织。并将其依据联盟成员所属地理区域可分为地区大学联盟和跨区域大学联盟,依据合作领域分为局部领域合作联盟和全方位合作联盟,按联盟成员实力大小分为对等联盟和非对等联盟。然后对我国大学战略联盟的形成历程进行考察并分析其建立和发展的可行性。 其次,通过个案实证研究的方法对中国九校联盟(C9)的组织机制与取得的成效进行分析和总结,认为其成效主要包括:增加了解和交流,促进高校互补发展;优化了资源配置,提高了办学效益;提高了学生综合素质,提升了教师业务水平;扩大了社会影响,提升了高校地位。在对现状的描述分析中发现我国大学战略联盟存在以下问题:联盟外部政策支持和指导不足;联盟内部机制不健全、联盟章程制度的约束力有限;联盟合作深度和广度不足;项目合作缺乏经费保障、合作缺乏有效的监管和评估;联盟大学成员间贡献不均衡、合作积极性不高五个方面的问题。 再次,在清楚我国大学战略联盟现存问题的基础上,介绍国外大学战略联盟的实然状况,并扬长避短从中吸取适合中国大学联盟健康发展的成功经验,其主要包括:政府出台相关政策及法律法规,促进了联盟合作有序发展;大学拥有较大的办学自主权,保证了大学间合作的积极性;外部提供支持资助,提供了高校间合作的充足的经费保障;科学有效的管理,保证了大学联盟长久的生命力。 最后,选择性地、本土化地借鉴国外的先进经验与措施并针对我国高校联盟所存在的具体问题,本研究认为可从联盟对内自身建设和联盟外向型对策对其进行完善:对内自身建设上,包括加强联盟的理念支撑和成员高校的价值认同,构建和完善大学战略联盟内部制度体系和政策保障,政府颁布相关政策进行指导和保障;对外互动对接上,加强联盟与政府目标、市场需求及国外大学联盟合作的对接,使大学联盟在增强自身实力的同时,为发展经济、服务社会等做出贡献。
[Abstract]:The popularization of higher education, the internationalization of the development to a certain extent promote the cooperation of the University Alliance, the University Union through complementary advantages to realize the benefit sharing, helps to optimize the allocation of educational resources, thus improve the overall strength of the school, and then improve the existing university layout structure is not very reasonable, the input-output low effectiveness of the situation. At present, the current situation of the development of Chinese University Strategic Alliance is that the operation system and management mode of the alliance are not mature, the effect of the alliance is not so satisfactory, the alliance is yet to be developed and perfected. Some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
First, the concept, type and significance of the university strategic alliance are expounded by combing and analyzing the documents. It is concluded that the University Alliance is between two or more than two colleges and universities (or universities and other specific organizations and institutions), in order to achieve a certain goal or strategic goal, thus forming risk sharing and complementary advantages. It can be divided into Regional University Alliance and Cross Regional University Alliance Based on the geographical region belonging to the alliance members. According to the cooperation field, it divides into local domain cooperation alliance and omni-directional cooperative alliance. According to the strength of the alliance members, it divides into the equivalent alliance and the non equivalent alliance. Study the formation process of strategic alliance and analyze the feasibility of its establishment and development.
Secondly, through the method of case study, this paper analyzes and summarizes the organizational mechanism and achievements of the Chinese nine schools Alliance (C9). The results are as follows: increasing understanding and communication, promoting the complementary development of colleges and universities, optimizing the allocation of resources, improving the efficiency of running a school, improving the comprehensive quality of the students and improving the water of the teacher's business. In the description and analysis of the present situation, the following problems exist in the description and analysis of the current situation: the external policy support and guidance of the alliance are insufficient; the internal mechanism of the alliance is not perfect, the binding force of the Union constitution is limited; the alliance's depth and breadth are insufficient; the project cooperation is lacking through Fei Baozhang, the lack of effective supervision and evaluation of cooperation, the imbalance between the members of the alliance University, the low enthusiasm for cooperation, five aspects.
Thirdly, on the basis of understanding the existing problems of China's University Strategic Alliance, this paper introduces the actual situation of the foreign university strategic alliance and draws the successful experience that is suitable for the healthy development of the Chinese University Alliance, which mainly includes the government's introduction of relevant policies and laws and regulations to promote the orderly development of the alliance cooperation. The great autonomy of running a school ensures the enthusiasm of the cooperation between universities and universities, providing support for the external support and providing adequate financial support for the cooperation between colleges and universities; the scientific and effective management ensures the long-term vitality of the University Alliance.
At the end of this study, we choose to learn from the advanced experience and measures of foreign countries and to improve the internal self construction and the alliance export-oriented countermeasures. Building and perfecting the internal system and policy guarantee of the university strategic alliance, the government promulgates the relevant policies to guide and guarantee, the foreign interaction and docking, strengthen the alliance and the government target, the market demand and the cooperation of the foreign university alliance, make the University Alliance make tribute to the development of economy and the service of society while strengthening its own strength. Offer.


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