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发布时间:2018-07-13 14:47
[Abstract]:College corruption has become an important corruption phenomenon in contemporary China. Based on a questionnaire survey of university cadres, college students and students' parents, this study examines the overall situation of corruption in colleges and universities, the key areas of corruption in colleges and universities, the posts and crowds, and the causes of corruption in colleges and universities. People's personal experience and attitude towards corruption in colleges and universities, and the possible measures to curb corruption in colleges and universities are also discussed. The study found that corruption in colleges and universities has become more widespread, though not more serious than in other areas. Capital construction work, evaluation work and enrollment work have become the three most serious corruption areas in colleges and universities. Corruption in colleges and universities is closely related to the mismanagement of the current higher education management system. The direction of curbing corruption in colleges and universities is towards good governance in colleges and universities. Specifically, teachers and students should be more involved in teaching, scientific research and teaching affairs, and the basic information of university management, especially financial information, will be more transparent. There are more external supervision and audit to university management, and more fair competition among different types of colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 中共中央编译局比较政治与经济研究中心;


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