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发布时间:2018-07-14 12:54
【摘要】:本文对高校社会服务工作关系进行研究,这对于高校在社会服务的过程中如何做好自己的本职工作,,同时又为社会的发展和进步做出积极贡献具有一定的实践参考意义。在高速发展的信息时代,高等教育成为社会发展的一个动力机,如何更好的发挥高等教育为社会服务的职能,是高等教育紧密关注的一个问题。关于高等学校社会服务职能的探讨本身是一个围绕着理论与实践相联系的问题,因此,对高校社会服务工作关系以及如何协调其关系研究进行论述,就必须对高校社会服务职能理论的基础作出梳理、探讨,追根逐源为解决问题提供可靠的理论依据。实际上高校社会服务本身就是一种实践活动,对它的研究能够更好的指导高校的社会服务工作。本文是作者在参与导师的课题的基础上,查阅了相关文献资料后,确定研究的角度,按照理论指导实践的原则,确定好高校社会服务工作的范围,分析其服务的基本内容、内容、特点、原则以及个职能间的相互关系如何协调的思路来行文。 本论文共分为五大部分: 第一部分是导论,介绍了选题的背景、研究的意义和论文的理论依据,对论文涉及的概念进行了界定,阐述了研究现状、研究思路及研究方法和创新点。 第二部分是高校社会服务的理论与依据,介绍了高校社会服务的内涵和外延。以及社会服务职能发展历程和威斯康辛办学思想的理论基础和从确立到发展时期的我国高等教育与相关法规。 第三部分是对高校社会服务工作人员培训、成果转化、校企合作、资源服务四大基本类型进行分析。然后在此基础上得出高校社会服务具有学术性、多样性、实效性、区域性四大特点。 进而提出了高校社会服务工作的原则,主要是从以下四个方面进行阐述。适应社会与引领社会相统一;现实需求和持续发展相联系;经济效益和社会效益相兼顾;主体职能和优势发挥相结合。四个原则可以更好的指导各大职能之间关系的协调。 第四部分是文章的重点章节,也是很难把握以及行文的地方,我们主要是从高校社会服务与高校的基本职能中的人才培养、科学研究、文化引领、国际交流、区域发展关系和怎样协调这五组关系的。 我们得出的结论就是高等学校以培养人才工作为中心,合理利用高等学校人才、时间、资源等条件可以保证高等学校社会服务顺利进行,为经济和社会发展提供强劲的动力和强大的支持。在高校社会的原则和特点的基础上,正确处理好社会服务的五大关系,高校才能更好的服务社会,用服务求高校的生存和发展。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the relationship of social service in Colleges and universities, which has certain practical reference significance for how to do their own job well in the process of social service, and make positive contributions to the development and progress of society. In the information age of high-speed development, higher education becomes a power machine for social development, such as How to give better use of the function of higher education to social service is a matter of close concern to higher education. The discussion of the social service function of institutions of higher learning itself is a problem surrounding the relationship between theory and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the relationship between social service and how to coordinate its relationship. The basis of the theory of social service function in Colleges and universities is carding, exploring, and providing a reliable theoretical basis for solving the problem. In fact, the social service in Colleges and universities itself is a practical activity, and the research on it can better guide the work of social service in Colleges and universities. After the relevant documents, we can determine the angle of the research and determine the scope of the social service work in Colleges and universities according to the principle of guiding the practice of the theory, and analyze the basic contents, contents, characteristics, principles and the coordination of the relationship between the functions and the functions of the service.
This paper is divided into five parts.
The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background of the topic, the significance of the study and the theoretical basis of the paper, defines the concepts involved in the paper, expounds the research status, research ideas, research methods and innovation points.
The second part is the theory and basis of the social service in Colleges and universities, and introduces the connotation and extension of the social service in Colleges and universities, as well as the development course of the social service function, the theoretical basis of the school running ideology of Wisconsin and the higher education and related laws and regulations in China from the establishment to the development period.
The third part is the analysis of the four basic types of social service staff training, achievement transformation, school enterprise cooperation and resource service, and then on this basis, it is concluded that the social services of colleges and universities have four characteristics: academic, diversity, effectiveness and regional.
Then it puts forward the principles of social service work in Colleges and universities, mainly from the following four aspects: to adapt to the unity of society and to lead the society; to link the reality and to the sustainable development; to give consideration to both the economic and social benefits; the combination of the main functions and advantages. The four principles can better guide the major functions between each of the major functions. Coordination of relations.
The fourth part is the key section of the article, it is also difficult to grasp and the place of writing, we mainly from the university social services and the basic functions of colleges and universities of talent training, scientific research, cultural guidance, international exchanges, regional development relations and how to coordinate the five groups of relations.
The conclusion is that colleges and universities take the training of talents as the center, and rationally utilize the talents, time and resources of colleges and universities to ensure the smooth progress of the social services of universities and provide strong impetus and strong support for the economic and social development. On the basis of the principles and characteristics of the University society, it is properly handled. The five major relationships between social services are that colleges and universities can better serve the community and seek the survival and development of colleges and universities with services.


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