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发布时间:2018-07-15 08:19
【摘要】:前苏联杰出教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“教师的信念——这是学校里最宝贵的东西”。教师信念是教师行为的有力支撑,是提高教育教学质量的关键所在,影响教师专业素质的提高(图布新)。同时信念还是认知的过滤器(Smith1997),且信念并非始于担任教师之时,而是始于教师教育阶段的培养,甚至更早的家庭教育、中等教育等(图布新)。杨美容的研究也发现教师的教育信念与学生时代的学习经验有关。因此对职前物理教师信念进行研究具有重大现实意义。对教师信念的研究从20世纪80年代起开始兴盛,出现了大量的有关教师信念的文献。本文借鉴国内外学者对教师信念的研究成果与方法,对广西师范大学、江西师范大学、浙江师范大学的职前物理教师信念进行相关的调查研究,试图了解职前物理教师信念现状,并以性别、是否当学生干部、父母的受教育程度等作为背景因素,分析职前物理教师信念在这些背景因素中是否存在差异。 全文主要从以下五个方面进行论述,第一步是根据国内外学者的相关文献资料把职前物理教师信念分为学生管理、物理本质与物理教学三个维度,每个维度分为“传统”与“发展”两个取向,制定各维度教师信念的取向特征,编制“职前物理教师信念调查问卷”。以性别、是否当过学生干部、是否做过家教等教育实践、是否听过教育类专家讲座、生源地的城乡差异以及父母的受教育程度等六个方面作为背景因素,分析这六个因素对职前物理教师信念是否造成影响。第二步对调查问卷进行试验性研究。利用spss17.0对问卷的试验性研究数据进行分析,邀请专家对问卷进行评审,通过数据的分析结果,结合专家评审意见,删除不合理题项。第三步用调查问卷进行正式研究,利用spss17.0对回收数据进行分析,了解问卷的信度,以及职前物理教师信念现状。利用独立样本T检验,分析职前物理教师信念在性别、是否当学生干部、是否做过家教等教育实践、是否听过教育类专家讲座等因素上是否存在差异。利用方差分析,了解生源地的城乡差别、父母亲的受教育程度是否对职前物理教师信念造成影响。第四步是进行半结构化访谈,通过了解职前物理教师印象深刻的教育事件,从访谈对象的陈述中判断受访者的情感体验,据此判断受访者的教师信念。第五步是分析研究结果及反思本研究的不足之处。 研究结果表明,职前物理教师信念总体呈“发展”取向,职前物理教师信念在性别、是否当过学生干部与是否听过教育类专家讲座三个因素上存在差异。其中女生的教学信念比男生更呈“发展”取向,当过学生干部与听过教育类专家讲座的职前物理教师信念比没当过学生干部与没听过教育类专家讲座的更呈“发展”取向。职前物理教师信念在生源地与父母亲的受教育程度等因素上不存在差异。对职前物理教师进行访谈,20几个受访者中只有一个说的是发生在家庭中的教育事件,其余都是发生在学校的教育事件。这些事件涉及学生管理与教学两个方面,其中学生管理方面的居多。
[Abstract]:Sue Home Linsky, an outstanding educator of the former Soviet Union, once said, "the belief of the teacher - this is the most valuable thing in the school." teacher's belief is the strong support of teachers' behavior, the key to improving the quality of education and the improvement of teachers' professional quality (drawing new). At the same time, belief or cognition filter (Smith1997) is the key to the improvement of teachers' professional quality. And faith does not begin with a teacher, but begins with the training of teacher education, even earlier family and secondary education. Yang Meirong's study also finds that the educational beliefs of teachers are related to the learning experience of the students. Therefore, the study of pre service teachers' beliefs is of great practical significance. The study of belief began to flourish since 1980s, and there was a lot of literature about teachers' belief. In this paper, the research results and methods of scholars at home and abroad on Teachers' belief were used to investigate the pre service physics teachers of Guangxi Normal University, Jiangxi Normal University and Zhejiang Normal University. The present situation of the teacher's belief, and the gender, whether as a student cadre, and the education degree of the parents as the background factors, analyze whether there is a difference between the pre service physics teacher's beliefs in these background factors.
The full text is mainly discussed from the following five aspects. The first step is to divide the pre service physics teacher's belief into student management, physical nature and physics teaching in three dimensions, each dimension is divided into "traditional" and "development", each dimension is divided into two orientations of "tradition" and "development". The former physics teacher's belief survey questionnaire, which has six aspects as the gender, whether it has been a student cadre, whether it has been a family education practice, has heard the education class expert lecture, the difference between the urban and rural areas and the parents' education degree as the background factor, analyses whether these six factors have an influence on the belief of the pre service physics teacher. The two step is to carry out an experimental study on the questionnaire. Use SPSS17.0 to analyze the experimental data of the questionnaire, invite experts to review the questionnaire, analyze the results of the data and delete the unreasonable item by combining the opinion of the experts. The third step is to use the questionnaire to carry out the positive study and the analysis of the recovery data by the use of the questionnaire. To understand the reliability of the questionnaire and the status of the pre service physics teacher's belief. By using the independent sample T test, we can analyze whether the pre service physics teacher's belief in sex, whether it is a student cadre, whether he has been a tutor and other educational practice, or not, has heard the difference between the educational experts' lectures and other factors. Whether the degree of mother's education has an impact on the beliefs of pre service physics teachers. The fourth step is to conduct semi structured interviews. By understanding the impressive educational events of pre service physics teachers, judging the emotional experience of the interviewees from the statements of the interviewees, the fifth step is to analyze the results and reflect on the results of the study. The inadequacies of this study.
The results show that the beliefs of pre service physics teachers have a "development" orientation in general. There are differences between the three factors of the pre service physics teacher's belief in sex, whether it is a student cadre and an expert lecture or not. The pre service physics teacher's belief is more "development" than that of a student cadre or an expert on education. There is no difference between the pre service physics teacher's belief in the education degree of the parents and their parents. The only one of the 20 interviewees interviewed the pre service physics teachers was in the family. The rest of the educational events in schools are educational events in schools. These events involve two aspects of student management and teaching, among which the majority of students are in management.


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